This is part 2 of the original story posted here on my profile. Check out the 1st part if you haven't already because the story will pick up right where we left off. Otherwise, enjoy!
I was greeted with quite the eyeful when I creaked the door open. It took a moment for both of us to register what was going on. Ashley initially froze with fear, her finger still halfway in her pussy, dripping with juice and leaking onto the base of the chair she was sitting on. When she realized the situation half a second later, she immediately closed her legs and pulled her top back down, in an attempt to cover herself up. Her freckled cheeks were flushed red. I quickly stepped out of the backroom, practically falling backwards as I swung the door closed. "Holy shit!" I thought to myself, as a I leaned on the outside of door, now knowing on the other side Ashley was sitting with her lacy thong around her ankles. I had walked into something I really shouldn't have. I've practically never said a word to this girl I see everyday, and my first actual interaction with her ended with me walking in on her playing with herself! If she didn't hate my guts before, she certainly does now.
While only brief the picture flashed through my mind for the rest of the day. I didn't catch a good enough glimpse of her tits or pussy to recall any notable features, but the sight of her finger lodged deep in her slit was burned into my memory. Ashley did not return to the counter for the rest of the day. I didn't go back to check on her either for the remainder of the shift. When the shift was up, I finally mustered up the courage to go to my locker in the backroom and potentially tell Ashley I didn't see much, but she was gone by then, likely leaving from the back staff exit. The gas station is in walking distance from my apartment so I usually get home at around half past 4. Normally I study for the remainder of that time between 4 am and 8 am until I have to get to class, but on this instance I spent that time jerking off, recalling the pleasant view I got of my co-worker. I felt weird for doing it, but I'd be lying if I say I didn't like what I saw.
The next day, I arrived a bit late, wondering if Ashley would show up or not. I made my way to counter and sure enough, she was there. She arrived before me this time for once. She was staring at the ground. She knew I was there and was flushed red once again. I stepped around her and to my register next to her. It was silent like usual but this time the tension was immense. We both knew what happened yesterday but neither of us wanted to be the one to bring it up. After what felt like an eternity I ended up addressing it first. "Ashley... about yesterday" I said reluctantly. "How much did you see?" She interrupted. "Well...I just wanted to say" "How much did you see!" she said, almost angrily, this time looking up from the floor and into my eyes. She looked different today. She was wearing more makeup. Her lips were lined with a soft shade of red lipstick and her freckles were covered by a skin colored foundation. Not to mention, she didn't have that resting bitch face she normally did. She seemed embarrassed, and to be honest, it was kinda cute. "Don't worry it wasn't much", I said with an optimistic smile. "Good" she replied sharply, returning to the sassy personality I was used to. Her next sentence caught me way off guard however.
"I bet you jerked off thinking of it" she whispered under her breath. "What?" I replied shocked. "You heard me" she answered. I did in fact jerk off countless times to her, but there was no way I'd be confident enough to reply with a straightforward answer to that question so I simply shook my head and lied and said "I barely saw anything worthwhile". I could be dehydrated, or maybe I was just sleepy since it was the night shift, but I could have sworn she looked disappointed after I said that. Needless to say though, I was now working with a constant boner after hearing her ask such a ludicrous question. I think she took notice as well and gave a smirk from the corner of her mouth. She still kept her bitchy attitude but over the course of time I began to notice she seemed to have changed her behavior around me. The girl who once seemed to intentionally avoid me was now toying with me almost. She would deliberately drop things so she could bend over and stick her ass out in front of me. She'd constantly point out my boners, and call me out for staring at her tits even when I wasn't. She'd also become strangely touchy and hands on. She'd offer to do my store duties such as refill receipt papers and clear the register, but do it in a way where she'd be practically leaning over me, pushing her tits into my back and putting a hand near my crotch for "balance". I was utterly confused to say the least but I'd be lying if I said I didn't get a kick out of it. It would eventually become more than just fun and games however.
One night shift, she was arguing with her boyfriend again, and really going at it at that. She was facetiming him and he was on speaker. From what I overheard, she was confronting him over cheating on her. "You were fucking in my room! I know you were!" she screamed at him. "I don't wear sports bras!" which I would assume meant she found another girls undergarments in her room. Why someone would cheat on a beauty like this, I don't know. Judging by her attitude maybe the guy in question is dodging a massive bullet. Needless to say I did not need to be hearing this. "It just so happens, I found a new man too!", she announced to him proudly. "Pack your bags and get the fuck out!". I felt kind of deflated once again. She had just broken up with her current boyfriend but I didn't even get a second to shoot my shot with her seeing as she was already taken once again. I heard her ex laugh through the phone speaker "I doubt even a slut like you would find another guy that quick!" he mocked. "I'll prove it asshole" she sharply replied. Interested in how she'd "prove it", I glanced in her direction, surprised to see her making her way towards me.
Without a moment's notice, she grabbed my shirt and pulled me in towards her. Taken off guard I stumbled forward and she pulled off her cap and locked lips with me, all the while pointing her phone to show her ex. This wasn't just any little peck either. She held my collar tightly, slipping her tongue into my mouth. Her cherry flavored lip gloss tasted sweet and her lips were soft as she french kissed me. She nibbled on my upper lip as our saliva mixed. I didn't even resist, my body went on autopilot. It was over in seconds but it felt like hours. She loosened the grip on my collar but still held on to it as she glanced over to her phone. Her ex had seen enough and hung up. She slams her phone on the counter and then grabs me with both hands and buries her face in my chest. She was crying. She looked a mess and this was a side I hadn't seen before. That side was quickly pushed away however. She squeezed me tighter, embracing me close and practically breaking my back. She looked up at me, her D-cup tits pushed against my chest. I finally got a hold of myself, realizing the situation I was in."What the fuck are you doing!?!" I said with a mix of shock and disbelief.
"He's such an asshole, isn't he!" she said angrily, still crushing my spine. This girl was seriously bipolar. "He keeps playing with my feelings, it's abusive!" she vented. "What the hell am I supposed to do about that!?" I asked agitated. There was a moment of silence between us when she said two words which left me speechless. "Fuck me" she said with no expression whatsoever. At this point I was lost for words. Everything was moving so quickly and before I knew it she was rubbing up against my leg. "I know you want to, I can feel it" she said with a giggle as she grinded on the bulge through my pants. Thank god it was 3 am because if someone walked in on us like this it would be a mess. "I can't let my boyfriend keep thinking he's better than me or something! Just do it, stop being such a pussy!" she said in annoyance. I tried pushing her off me but she held my shirt tight. Her body was warm and her soft tits pressed against me felt really nice. Her makeup was smeared across her cheek from our french kiss and I noticed the outline of her pussy showing through her yogapants. She wasn't letting go anytime soon. She began kissing my neck and nibbling on my ear, whispering dirty things about how wet she was, all the while rubbing herself against my bulge. She smelled nice, that feint rose scented perfume I had grown to love was overwhelming me. My mind was telling me no. I knew this girl would only be trouble in the long run, but my body acted on its own. This girl was a drug, she was my ecstasy. I was too high off the rush of desire to turn back now and my hands worked their way into her pants. They slid under the waistband of her yogapants and nearly got a grasp on her ass when she stopped me. "Not out here idiot" she said with a giggle, pointing to the backroom where I saw her in a compromising position. Controlled by pure sexual desire alone I swept her legs and picked her up in my arms as she wrapped her legs around my back and squealed with delight. I made my way to the staff room, knowing there was no turning back from here.
The story isn't done yet, there is still a lot left to happen, but I'll end it here for now and save the rest for part 3. I hope you're enjoying the story so far and I appreciate all the support from the 1st part! If you are enjoying, let me know and don't be afraid to leave feedback (positive or negative).
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