Dreams mixed with reality part 44

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“Babes did we really do that good I mean everyone was congratulating me. Boss even hugged me thanking me.”

“Yes Angel now I am putting my foot down no more work talk no more thinking about work you should be remembering something important right about now.”


Maddy pulled her heals off and ran inside all I could do was stand there and smile. Stef walked up to me.

“You two look amazing. So first question how did it go?”

“Good actually we will be getting promoted don’t know what yet but they are giving us a long vacation and sending us somewhere all expense paid. CFO specifically said he had no intention of splitting us up. So I’m relaxing a bit. She really is an amazing woman smart beautiful and focused. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was running this company in a few years.”

“Really you think so.”

“Stef for once look at her not as a child not as that scared girl hiding from the world look at her listen to her. She has made leaps and bounds she’s brilliant, she reads people and for someone that has never been in a public speaking experience she dominated them today. She owned her part of our presentation held their captivation the entire time. She worked the crowd like a seasoned diplomat. That woman in there is going to be a business powerhouse one day. You really need to truly look at her with new eyes.”

“I’ll try. Second question who is this Pamela girl.”

“You know what Stef I am not going to try to hide anything from you. Part of what I’m going to tell you you already know. Maddy is bisexual she picked Pam up last weekend and the three of us fucked like rabbits. I guess you could say Pam is our girlfriend and she’s going to be here all weekend and we are all going to be sleeping together. And I’m thinking of bringing her on our vacation with us. Before you say anything Stef realize all three of us know what we are doing and chose it.”

“My feelings about this don’t matter what matters is that you are respectful of my daughter. I know she still doesn’t care much for me and after thinking long and hard I don’t blame her. Just don’t hurt her.”

“I wouldn’t she wants this. That all being said I had better check on them. Believe it or not the two of them need supervision they both tend to go wild together.”

“Just like you fucking the ones you babysit.”

“Low blow Stef low blow.”

“I’m kidding try not to destroy the apartment.”

I walked inside and tripped over Maddy’s heals and went face first into the floor. When I went to push myself up there were two sets of bare feet in front of me. Both girls completely naked hands covering their mouths giggling.

I stood up grabbed nipples and spun them around giving a slight pinch and twist.

“That’s it now y’all did it.”

I pulled out a bit getting them to walk towards the room. Pam spoke up first.

“Sorry master we didn’t mean anything by it.”

“You will be. Now get me undressed.”

They both quickly and gently undressed me and hung up my suit.

Pam start a shower. Maddy swallow my cock. Pam rushed into the bathroom Maddy dropped to her knees and sucked me into her mouth.

“The shower is ready master.”

“Get in. Maddy wash Pam real good.”

I watched Maddy wash every inch of her and rinse her off.

“Pam get out dry off and sit at the end of the bed no touching yourself.”

“Yes master.”

I climbed in the shower and Maddy looked sad.


“Babes I was supposed to be in charge this weekend why aren’t you letting me.”

“Angel you are I just needed to get you alone for a minute and since your just a pussy hungry slut tonight I had to do something or you would have had your face buried in her all night.”

“Ya you’re right. I like when you call me a slut but only when it’s respectful because I’m only your slut.”

“Yes you are Angel so I think you missed what I was saying earlier. The cfo is sending us on a vacation somewhere all expenses paid his assistant will call Monday with details. If this weekend goes well with Pam do you want to bring her along or it be just the two of us. I doubt we will have time to discuss this past right now.”

“Really babes really we can bring her?”

“I’ll leave it up to you. But I want you to myself some of the time.”

“I’d love that and babes I know you are worried about promotions and us getting separated I am a bit too but, until it happens to possibly come up we need to not let it control our lives. Besides I’ll quit if that happens I won’t leave you. I know you won’t let me give up something great for you fuck that you are what is great for me. I’d be giving up the great thing for some stupid job. Besides the most important thing to me is you and always will be. Besides if this cock isn’t fucking me no cock is I refuse to have another near me ever. Now slave boy wash me up then yourself.”

I washed her then myself and rinsed us off. We got out i dried her off gently.

“You set up where she is so I’m going out sitting on her face and you are to hand me her legs and fuck her hard. And don’t forget to fill her pussy up for me you know how wild it gets me to suck the cum out of her taste you together.”

“Pammy lay back hands by your head.”

Maddy pinned her hands with her knees and placed the big perfect clit right in her mouth. I walked up pulled Pam’s legs out and up and tucked her knees in Maddy’s armpits. I slid right into Pam she was so wet it was easy despite her tightness. Pam was making Maddy cum and I Pam. I finally came filling Pam.

Maddy pulled Pam around so her head was hanging over the edge and went for her pussy.

“Get him clean and hard again so he can fill me next.”

Pam licked and sucked me clean feeling me grow in her mouth all while Maddy brought her to another orgasm licking and sucking my cum out of her. Once she saw I was hard she pushed me back and made Pam slide more onto the bed. Again placing her clit in her mouth while she continued her work. I watched the fluids flow out of her and decided it was time to dam up the river and slid inside her. Moans and cry’s of pleasure kept filling the room. Maddy’s pussy was begging to be filled trying to pull me in deeper. When I couldn’t hold back I blew my load in her. Without missing a beat she readjusted after I pulled out and Pam ate me out of her. They both collapsed very spent.

After a few minutes Maddy got up.

“Babes there is a black duffle in the closet get it for me. Pammy you have got to be hungry huh. Let’s go to dinner but I have an outfit for you. And both of us too.”

I emptied the bag for her. Inside was a new pair of black jeans for me black boats and a grey button down shirt. Two matching stretchy dresses the looked small enough for a doll. Two pairs of almost slipper looking shoes for them. A butt plug a collar and leash. Maddy lubed up the plug pulled Pam’s legs up next to her head so her ass and pussy were pointing towards the ceiling and leaned forward licking her pussy as she slid a big plug into Pam. It took awhile to work it in.

“Now get up put your dress and shoes on.”

They had no bra or panties and slid the dresses over their heads. Maddy put the collar on Pam then attached the lease.

“Pammy are you ok do you feel comfortable.”

“My ass feels very full. But masters want me like this so I am great.”

“Good girl if you’re really good while we are out I’ll let you have him all to yourself for 30 minutes of course there are some limitations you will find out about later. Babes you’re driving Pammy has a pussy to lick the entire way there.”

Maddy was enjoying the power you could see it in her eyes when she looked towards Pam but with me it was difficult to muster the authority her voice even broke occasionally. You could tell it wasn’t enjoyable for her but it was her weekend her request and I was more than happy to let her have her way she deserved it.

Pam had her face buried in Maddy’s pussy giving her several orgasms on the drive to the restaurant. Maddy took pride in walking her pet around by a leash the whole thing catching the eyes of everyone we passed. This seemed to bring more pleasure to both of them. Maddy ordered for both of us hesitating when ordering my food. If you didn’t know her it didn’t show but she was uncomfortable with her role when it came to me. Her eyes gave her away as they darted to me for approval on her choice for my dinner. I gave her a quick nod and she relaxed and a small smile crept across her face.

Dinner was uneventful except the stares and whispers. I watched as they both fidgeted during dinner obviously extremely uncomfortable due to how turned on they both were. I could smell them both by the time we finished eating. I could only image how wet the seat was under them. I paid for dinner and escorted them out. As we walked away from the table I glanced at their seats and yes they were wet. I almost felt bad for the busboy. But after seeing him walk towards the table I figured it was his best chance at getting even close to pussy for the month.

“Babes I need you to get us a couple bottles of wine please we will be in the car.”

Well looks like this night is going to be full of surprises

submitted by /u/zhad69
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