[M]y G[F] knows a trick to make me cum in seconds…

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I’m a 22M who hasn’t had that much sexual experience, so naturally when I started dating my gf who’s very open-minded sexually and wanted to discover ways to pleasure me I started finding out new things about my body.

With my other sexual partners, I would struggle to feel pleasure and even cum in a reasonable time. I thought I was destined to lousy sex, and my dick was less sensitive than average due to my intense jerking off during my teenage years.

Then my gf found something out. By rubbing, or even better, licking my nipples, I was able to feel so much more on my cock that I would get to the orgasm in a matter of seconds! She uses it now when we have quickies to make me cum or even just to get me super horny. I fucking love it.

Does any other guy have that? (Or girls, but I feel like it might be more common for ladies)

submitted by /u/Luca1127
[link] [comments] Via Sex Stories https://bit.ly/3arcMTN

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