Would you care if your partner had penile fillers?

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I was just under 5 inches about 4 years ago and pretty thin. Id say longer than a snickers but about as thick. I used a traction device and started on dermal fillers. I lost a bit of sensation but the reaction from women isn't what I expected. I expected women to be a bit more satisfied but everything outside of sex has changed. The two current women Im intimate with treat me like royalty from massages to cleaning my condo. Ive had women be cruel but also very nice but never like this. Im honestly not that attractive although my ex and female friends always tell me I dont realize how charming I am.

I mean it could be Ive gotten better in general or we are just a good fit but it seemed like her interest in me changed after being intimate. Is a thicker penis really that important to women? I almost dont want to believe this. You think letting them know I have fillers would change this?

submitted by /u/Successful-Peace-198
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