Date night part 1

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The wife and I just sold our town house and moved into an apartment on the lake until we could find a new place to buy. Master bedroom has a sliding glass door leading to the balcony overlooking the lake. Needless to say I had some plans in mind once we get settled in.

A couple weeks of unpacking and getting adjusted to the new place we finally found time to relax. I sent her a message while at work to clear all plans for the night and that I made plans for us.

I got home from work slightly before she did that Friday. So I decided I was going to set the stage for the night.

I went ahead and picked out my favorite dress of hers matching silk panties and bras and a nice set of stiletto black heels. She’s 5’10” so even a very conservative dress shows off her perfectly round ass so well, not to mention it shows of those sexy long legs.

Her After all the unpacking the last few weeks and work this week I’m ready to go home and go to bed. But it is very sweet of him to actually take the initiative and plan a date night out for us. This should be fun.

As I’m pulling into the drive I get a text on my phone from my husband stating “ran up to the store, will be back in a half hour. Everything you need for tonight is upstairs.” This had me more curious and even more excited than ever. He’s never done this before.

I go upstairs to see what he has done. And see the dress hanging in the bedroom. Bra, panties and even stilettos laying next to it. I couldn’t believe he put this much effort into tonight. I quickly hop into the shower to get ready before he gets home.

As I’m washing, I have to deny myself from playing with my pussy. I could feel myself getting all hot and bothered already. I hurry up and get cleaned up, get out and start drying off.

My phone buzzes and it’s my husband. I’ll be home in 10. Make sure you have on everything I’ve put out for you and meet me outside. We have strict reservations.

I have never done my hair and makeup so fast in my life. The bright red lipstick against this black form fitting dress really pops. My phone buzzes again as I make my way down stairs. “ I have a gift for you in the closet. I think you’ll know what to do with it. I’ll be home in 5 minutes.

I hurry downstairs to see what the mystery is. In the closet on the top shelf there was a little red box. As I grasp for it, it topples onto the floor and I see what I did not expect but I knew exactly where it goes.

This really isn’t like him. He’s never been this assertive before. But I know he will be home at any moment I throw on the thong and bra.

I still had the toy in my hand and the way he’s acting tonight I don’t want to mess with whatever plan he has cooked up. No lube was needed as I pulled my thong to the side and let this toy fill me. I straighten my dress back down and head out the front door. As soon as I opened the door it hit me.

Me Once the door opened I hit the button on the remote controlling her vibrator. The look and shock on her face was priceless as her knees almost buckled from the shock. I quickly turned it off. She regained her composure as she walked towards the passenger side of the car that I’m leaning against. Hello dear, you look as sexy as always I say to her.

I can’t tell if she’s blushing or that flustered but she looks at me cheeks blood shoot red and responds “ Thank you dear, but I feel like you are up to no good tonight”.

I couldn’t help but to laugh and simply say just try to enjoy the night babe. I give her a nice soft kiss on the cheek as I hit the button quickly on and off to the remote. The purr coming from her could not be hidden.

Her We get into the car and start driving I do not know where too. All I know is I’m ready to get back home already to get some type of release. The anticipation and building of this has been brewing for far to long already. It doesn’t help that in our small talk when I least expect it he turns this thing on again. Before I get out of the car and go anywhere I’m going to have to clean myself up

I can tell we are going to my favorite restaurant Leonardo’s just from the direction we are going. I can’t believe he got us reservations. They are scheduled out for months.

We’re about 5 minutes away and the toy inside me kicks in with a low slow hum. It feels great especially with as excited as I am. But he doesn’t turn it off this time. It keeps building as we pull into the valet. I’m so close I can’t stand it.

As we pull up he puts the car in park, walks around to get me out of the car. I can barely stand the orgasm is building strong. My nipples are rock hard. I know you can see them through my dress. I can’t get out of this car like this. He finally turned it off.

Me You can see the look of longing on her face mixed with relief. She needs to finish but in the current location she can’t. Her mind won’t let her.

I had the keys to the valet and walk around to open her door. I reach my hand out to hers pulling her to me. Placing a deep kiss onto her full lips. We turn and start to head inside but she can’t seem to shake the gaze from the valet on her erect nipples. As we’re waiting in line I grab her hand and start the toy with the other. This time I skip a slow pace and move it to medium.

In this crowded elegant restaurant, this is not what she wants but it’s so close to what she needs at this point. As we get closer to the front of the line to check in she’s getting closer to her climax as well. She’s gripping my hand even more so. We’re 2 couples away and she begins to sweat. 1 couple away her hands begin trembling. As we approach the hostess I turn it all the way up. A gasp comes from her voice and her knees buckle. I catch her and turn it off before it becomes too obvious.

Her I can’t believe I just came that hard in front of all these people. I’m trying to regain my composure and catch my breath as the hostess says “ I hope you are enjoying your night, please follow me. If she only knew how much I was enjoying it.

We are seated on the 2nd floor overlooking the first. There is a Jazz band playing in the center of the lobby. Waiter comes by and brings us a bottle of wine. This really surprises me seeing how my husband hates wine but he knew I would enjoy it.

3 glasses of wine an appetizer, entree and great music not to mention an body shaking orgasm all we needed now was dessert.

As the waiter approached the table I suddenly feel something come alive again. Sends a jolt through me. As the waiter speaks I hear nothing. I guess my husband has other dessert on his mind tonight as he declined and asked the waiter for the check.

If you enjoy this and want a part 2 to see what is for dessert give a thumbs up please. This is my 3rd story ever and in the last 2 days.

submitted by /u/Comfortable-Nail3273
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