I never should have went to his house. (part 1)

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I never should have went to his house. (part 1)

It was the only decision that could have changed things. But in retrospect, it was a foolish decision from which there was no turning back from. When I stepped foot into his house, my fate was sealed.

But things up to that point had gone so well. We met on a dating app. We had similar interests. We chatted for weeks and it was always so effortless. We never ran out of things to chat about. There were daily 'good morning' and 'good night' messages.

We finally decided to meet. Typical first time public meeting. Middle of the day at a coffee shop. I was nervous and being an introvert was worried I would make things awkward. But when he arrived, looking exactly as promised, he effortlessly set me at ease. It wasn't long before we were talking freely, laughing, and enjoying each other's company. He was so good at making me feel comfortable and engendered trust.

So we ended up spending the afternoon together. Browsing around the mall and just friendly banter. It was then he asked if I'd like to come over. Just for dinner. The day had gone so well he wanted to make dinner for me. I was nervous, but it was just dinner, and I agreed.

It wasn't far and soon he was showing me around his nice house. Nothing seemed suspect. He told me he'd be right back and I was admiring a painting when he suddenly approached from behind.

His arms went tightly around me and before I could react, I could see he was holding a wicked looking bowie knife in his right hand. In a flash, he was holding it to my neck.

"Don't make a sound. You will do exactly as I say, do you understand?" he said in a low growl in my ear. "Please..." I whispered, terrified.

"Take off all of your clothes. Do not turn around. Do not speak. Do it now," he commanded and there was no mistaking the tone of his voice. I feared for my life. Hands shaking, I pulled off my shirt as his arms moved aside to give me the room to do so. And then letting out a little whimper, I kicked off my shoes and unbuttoned my pants, pulling them down. My whole body was trembling by the time I was fully nude.

It was then that he roughly grabbed my arms and quicker than I would have thought possible, tightly cuffed my wrists behind my back. I gasped at the force and implications of it. What was going to happen to me?

I soon found out as he spun me around and then with downward pressure on my shoulders he barked, "Get on your knees..." Not having a choice I did so. Slowly then, almost like he was teasing me, he unbuttoned and then unzipped his pants. His crotch was right at eye level only about a foot away. I watched in horror as he slowly revealed his cock. It was large and already hard. Veins pulsing up and down the length of it. It looked angry. I'd never seen something more intimidating in my life.

He ran the blade along my cheek and lips lightly. Not enough to cut, just to tease and threaten. "I know you want this. I knew it when we were chatting. I know how you crave to be used, don't even try to deny it. Well, today you will be and you don't have a choice. No... Don't speak. Nothing you could say will change what's going to happen. You have no choice. Now open your mouth... " he said. His voice was calm but firm. It was like velvet over steel.

And as the blade played across my lips lightly, I was too scared to not comply. My lips parted and he moved forward, replacing the blade with the head of his cock rubbing it over my lips almost gently before inserting the head between my lips, over my tongue, and into my mouth.

"Fuck...." he whispered and pushed in farther. There was nothing I could do as I felt his hands on my head holding it still. He pushed in deeper still and I started to gag and choke. It only seemed to turn him on more as he started to slowly thrust.

Deeper and deeper he went, each time causing me to gag and sputter. My eyes started to water from choking. He kept thrusting. Harder and deeper and soon he was full on fucking my face. It was all I could do to just breathe.

I felt like I was going to choke to death on his huge cock. Never had I been used and abused like this. With my hands tied and his hands holding my head as he fucked it, there was nothing I could do.

His thrusting got frantic and with a grunt I felt his cock swell in my mouth and then spurting deep down my throat. Making me swallow his load. I choked on it and felt like I was drowning. Some ran down my chin.

When he was done, he finally released me. I fell to the floor coughing as I felt him remove the cuffs from my wrists. "You can get dressed and leave," he said and went and sat down on the couch and turned on the TV, ignoring me.

It took me a few moments to recover enough to start gathering my clothes and put them on. Used against my will and just casually dismissed now that he was done with me. I was humiliated. Absolutely humiliated at my treatment.

He ignored me until I got to the door to let myself out. To escape.

As I opened the door, without looking at me, he said casually, "next time you come over, I'll bend you over my bed. And I have no doubt there will be a next time. Good night."

I ran. But I couldn't run away from the memory. I couldn't run away from my arousal.

And I couldn't run away from knowing he was right. That I would be back.

submitted by /u/Noncon4me
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