Selling myself online to be bred by an older man part 2

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Part 1 is here

'What does it feel like?'

I looked up from my toast slightly startled.

'What does what feel like?' I asked, so much of my life had changed in the last 24 hours.

'Being a real woman, you said you had had sex twice before and we beat that last night. Opening yourself to a man to take his seed, raw and as nature intended' he replied. I thought back to when I woke this morning, in those first few moments forgetting I was in his house having agreed to become his wife only to be reminded as his cock started to poke at me from behind. He pulled me closer, spooning me and pulling my legs between his as he probed against my entrance.

'You better get used to this, sleeping next to you makes me hard and we don't want to waste that' I closed my eyes and focused on my breathing while he made another deposit of semen, thrusting and grunting, groping at my breast until he released and rolled away. Afterwards I had done my best to clean up, the vicious cum would't wipe away and I couldn't rid myself of the musty chlorine smell until I showered. As I dressed I felt a sudden rushing of fluid into my knickers and hurried to the bathroom thinking my period had come a couple of weeks early only to find more of his cum has left me.

'Sticky and sore' I replied after a moment. He chuckled and finished his orange juice.

'I know women' he started 'you are going to be overthinking this whole thing until it's made irreversible '. I looked at him confused as he continued 'once you have a child to care for and focus on your life will make sense. Until then you can entertain yourself with my books and I have signed you up at the local health club to swim or work-out, you might even make some friends'.

'Thank you' I murmured, not sure what else to say

'But until then I need to focus on getting you pregnant and used to your wifey duties, or at least wife to be, there is a ring and a pregnancy test upstairs for you, once you give me two blue lines the ring is yours'. He rose to his feet and extended a hand to me, I took it as he started to lead me upstairs again, I had at least thought I would get a few hours to myself this morning.

'You know the score now, off with the clothes, on the bed and spread 'em' he chuckled at his own wit as I undressed and lay on the bed, legs pressed together, looking at the celling.He mounted me again, pumping his already hardening cock in his hand.

'There's no melting my ice queen is there' he noted and he pulled my legs apart to nestle himself between them. He fumbled a little trying to find his way into my body before zoning on his target and pushing. As he started to move very slowly in and out of me he spoke.

'Just focus on relaxing, your only job is to lay back while I take you'. I thought he would stop talking and quickly cum as he had before but I was soon to learn he intended to be inside me as long as possible, edging himself while he lectured me and all I could do was focus on his cock moving inside me.'

It's modern notions which make you unhappy' he continued 'women have been giving themselves and their bodies to men in exchange for food, housing and protection for centuries. It's only relatively recently that normal women thought they could opt out of this and have a good life' He continued to thrust in and out of me pushing deep and bumping against my already bruised cervix making me gasp a little.

'And the idea that women would actually enjoy sex' thrust, thrust, in, out ' would be a foreign concept to the majority of women though I suspect some did "close your eyes and think of the empire" wasn't a joke but advice to the young bride like you adjusting to her new life' I could see from the clock on the wall he had been going for ten minutes which felt like an age and my legs were tiring, I wanted to rest them but wasn't sure where to put them, I tentatively rested my feet on the back of his calves. Absurdly, given he was fucking me right now, it felt too intimate to be touching his naked legs.He continued to move above me, at times going quiet as he sped up, making me hope he would finish only to slow down and start talking again.

'How are you holding up?' he asked conversationally. I almost felt like I was having a medical procedure.

'I'm okay' I croaked 'a bit sore though'

'I know' he said but made no efforts to pull out of me 'that's why I'm helping you' he guided my hand down between my leg, my fingers making a 'v' around his cock where he entered me, my hand giving me more feedback to process what he was doing to my body.'Feel that' he said 'feel yourself stretching around me, your lips gripping me. Your body is undergoing a transformation and they can hurt, one to make you fit me, to please me' I could feel wetness on his hard shaft as he continued to thrust in and out of me.'

Remember your old job Emily' I nodded and he went on 'In the restaurant your feet and back would ache from a hard day, now you will have most of the day to yourself but your job of being my wife will make you sore from taking my cock again and again' he thrust harder as if to make a point making me grunt and grip the sheets.

'But my body will plant a child inside you, the child will bring you joy and in time it will all get easier, you will become accustomed to my body, to making babies. You were born to do this, don't fight it just accept your mating'. With that he flooded my body and it was a relief to feel him soften and withdraw leaving a slick trail of cum as he did. He showed me how he would like me to position a pillow under my hips after his 'servicing' as he called it and to lay there for 15 minutes, then he covered me in a blanket and left me alone, contemplating my choices drinking in the smell of sex as my used hole throbbed.

submitted by /u/Lopsided_Vehicle_186
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