Flirting with my [F] daughter's boyfriend - update 22

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A few things happened this week, but I was too busy to update about them. So here they are, all at once: I now have a snapstreak with my daughter's boyfriend, I'm burdened with a secret that I don't want to keep, and dates are fun.

Like last time, this again begins with social media. I saw my daughter's boyfriend's story about how their snapstreak hit 100. Apparently, in their circle, it's a milestone. I must say it made me happy for them. I replied saying "Congratulations on tolerating each other for so long". It was late in the night when I did this. He soon replied "We both make up for it ;)", which, apart from making me reply "OMG stop", made me excited. He suggested that I should add him too, and at 1AM, that sounded like a terrific idea. I simply sent him a picture of the living room, in hopes of making me remember the good old times. He sent a selfie with a funny filter. He told me that I'll have to send a snap every day around the same time, and that being 1AM, the picture that I sent a couple of days later was in my night shorts and tee - again, good times. The one sent next day was in a shirt with a hint of cleavage.

Last night, I went on a date and came back rather late, around midnight. After that, I had a long conversation with my daughter, who told me about how her internship is going, and how she had a fight with her boyfriend over him hanging out too much with a new female friend of his. Later when it was time to send a snap, I was still in my date outfit. Well, it wasn't exactly mine. I had borrowed one of my daughter's dresses, one of the only few that I can fit myself in. Before sending the snap, however, I asked him about their fight, and he promised me that he wasn't doing anything other than 'being friendly' with this new friend. I decided not to get too much into it, and sent a snap with the caption "don't tell ____", which referred to the point that I had borrowed the dress without asking my daughter. He sent a snap with the same caption, that had him and his roommate watching a movie with the new friend. I laughed and asked why not, and he said that my daughter wouldn't like it. I asked him why he's still doing it, which, in retrospect was a silly question. He replied "Do you think she'd like you sending me a post-Tinder date snap in one of her favorite outfits? Let us both keep a secret, shall we?". I didn't have anything to say, so I just said "How do you know I was on a Tinder date!". That's when things got interesting.

He didn't reply for a while, but then he did, and said that he was back in his room. He replied, "Two reasons. One, I have friends on Tinder who you seem to like. Two, why else would you wear THAT outfit". I was taken aback, embarrassed, confused, but also weirdly excited. I asked him "What friends? What are you talking about? What do you mean 'THAT' outfit?". I wanted answers, I wanted to know if he was bluffing or if he really was friends with one of the guys I have matched with. I don't know what I would do with that information, but I wanted to know. He didn't tell me. I asked if he was friends with the guy I went on a date with that evening, and he said "I don't think so. After seeing you in THAT, I doubt he wouldn't have texted me in excitement". I was almost sure that he was bluffing, but I played along. I asked, "Yeah? What do you think he would have said?". He replied "He is not as nice and as much a gentleman as I am, so he would have appreciated your outfit bluntly". I replied "That the outfit is hot?". He replied "I meant more like what about you the outfit makes hotter". I knew I should have stopped there, but I continued "Come on, it's nothing that others don't wear" and sent him another snap, with a selfie that showed exactly what he was talking about - the neckline of the outfit swaying casually over my cleavage. He replied "I've seen that outfit before, but never like that".

Compliments are nice, aren't they? First receiving them from the guy I went on a date with, and then from my daughter's boyfriend - and such similar compliments too. The compliments made my hands play with what my daughter's boyfriend was possibly imagining about, and my fingers play around what I was imagining his attention to focus on. Any further, and given my recent sexting on Tinder, I knew I'd get in trouble. So, I composed myself and told him that I should go change into something more comfortable. He replied "Have we already sent the snap for the day?" followed by many laughing emoticons. I must say that was cheeky, and a tipsier or hornier me may have played along. But not the tired-after-a-long-week me.

After getting up today, I reconsidered if he actually knew any of the guys I have met on Tinder. I don't even know if that thought makes me scared or excited.

submitted by /u/Wonderful-Cherry9114
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