I 23 (f) visit a nude beach with my bf whilst on vacation

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“Why are you still in bed?” Jon asked, the irritation clear in his voice.

“I’m sorry grumpy chops” Nicolette, replied, suppressing a yawn “you know I’m rubbish in the morning, and it’s 4am.

“There’s coffee in the kitchen but the taxi will be here in 20 minutes” Jon replied, suddenly pulling the duvet off his sleepy girlfriend, exposing her to the morning chill.

“Not fair” Nicolette replied, her hands rubbing the sleep from her eyes. Jon noticed her exposed nipples harden in the cold as she arched her back, stretching like a cat, all thoughts of getting to the airport left his mind; Nicolette suddenly sprang up and reached for her robe breaking the moment.

It was Jon and Nicolette’s first holiday together, they were heading to Maspalomas, a resort in Gran Canaria the 3rd largest island of the Canary Islands archipelago sat in the Atlantic off the north west coast of Africa. Jon prided himself on his organisational abilities and had booked the trip months in advance, mindful of costs he had booked an early flight out of London Gatwick

Pulling on some jeans Nicolette stumbled out of the bedroom and headed to the coffee. “Relax Jon, the whole be there two hours before your flight is just a scam to get you to spend money at the airport” Pulling a tee shirt over her head, the 25 year old realised it was back to front and span the top around before pulling her arms through. “Coffee thank you” she said reaching for a large steaming mug her hair a mass of static pointing in all directions.

“Are you not going to wear a bra?” asked Jon as he watched her struggle to get dressed, she really wasn’t a morning person but is as cute as a kitten, she flopped into a chair and reached for her coffee.

“No, it’s going to be too warm when we get there” Nic replied supressing a giggle, Jon can be such a stick in the mud sometimes, but she was determined to loosen him up over the next week of fun in the sun.

“But everyone can see your nipples”

“Lucky them” she grinned. Just then Jon’s phone pinged, “The taxi is here” he said, picking up the suitcases and heading to the door. Nicolette rinsed her mug under the tap before following him.

At the airport Nicolette gulped down another coffee and picked at her croissant, she looked across the table, ”urggh!” she exclaimed “I’m board!, why do we have to be here so early” Jon looked up from his phone, obviously annoyed, but only to be faced with a grinning Nicolette, a sparkle in her eye she flicked some crumbs at him and stuck out her tongue. Jon couldn’t help himself and laughed.

“Come on, they’re boarding” as he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the gate. Nicolette followed, coffee in hand.

Once on the plain they found their seats, Nicolette snuggled up to Jon and opened a book, readying herself for the four and a half hour flight.

An hour after take off the plain had quietened down, the 30 something dad who had sat next to them was chatting to his wife across the isle so looking the other way, Nicolette decided it was time to start on her project to loosen up Jon.

She placed her hand on his thigh and squeezed it gently, still with her head on his shoulder she looked up at him as he turned towards her, giving him a quick kiss on the lips she moved her hand upwards towards his crotch.

“What are you doing?” he asked

Looking up at his hazel eyes Nicolette replied “nothing” and kissed him again, this time placing her hand on his cock, she squeezed it gently.

“Stop it” he whispered, “Someone might see!”

“See what?” she asked as she squeezed him a little harder. Feeling him grow beneath her hand.

Jon pulled a newspaper over his crotch, “You know” he whispered,

“I don’t know what you mean” she replied as she found his fly and unzipped it. Reaching inside she pushed her fingers under the waste band of his underpants and wrapped them around his growing cock.

“That’s enough” Jon whispered with a hint of fear in his voice, taking Nicolette wrist he pulled her hand out and placed it back on her lap, “I don’t want to get arrested”.

Nicolette pouted “You’re no fun” she teased and went back to reading the guide book to Maspalomas.

After landing, they collected their bags and made their way to the Hotel Riu Palace on the edge of Maspalomas’s famous sand dunes, because the flight was so early it was only lunch time , they made their way to the terrace restaurant which gave them a perfect view over the sand towards the sea. As they drank ice cold beer and waited for their food, Nicolette spotted a path snaking its way through the dunes to the beach in the distance, she pointed it out to Jon and said, “shall we explore that path after lunch?” Jon agreed as their sandwiches arrived.

After lunch they packed a beach bag and made their way towards the sea, after 15 minutes of walking through the dunes, they emerged onto a beach, and it quickly became apparent it was a nude beach as no one was clothed. Jon quickly said, lets go back to the hotel however Nicolette had other plans.

“We’re here now Jon, there are lots of people, no one is interested in us” Nicolette reasoned, “look there’s a small dune other there we can hide behind it” with that she went across to the dune, laid out her beach towel and took her clothes off. Jon couldn’t believe his eyes, but found it extremely arousing and became hard immediately. “Come on Jon!” Nicolette urged, “get your clothes off and put some sun cream on my, I don’t want a burnt arse!”

“I can’t” Jon replied, “I’m hard!”

“oooh, nice” laughed Nicolette “Don’t worry you’re not the only one, look at that guy over there” she gestured down the beach with her head, and Jon turned around and sure enough there was a guy standing in the middle of the beach with an enormous boner, sticking straight out in front of him, “You see” she said “no one is interested in him, so they aren’t going to be interested in us, besides if you keep your back to the beach no one will be able to see anyway.” Jon reluctantly agreed and took his shirt then shorts off, his cock sprang into view. “Yummy,” laughed Nicolette, “Now put some sun cream on me” she lay down on her front and Jon spread cream on her back, legs and arse. “Careful Jon, I do want to get a tan”.

Nicolette returned the favour, and paid special attention to Jon’s cock, saying she really didn’t want it to get sun burnt! And they soon settled down in the sun. “I’m getting too hot” Nicolette said after half an hour, “let’s go for a swim” and before Jon could raise an objection she was up and walking confidently down the beach towards the water leaving him behind. Jon noticed that a group of lads had spotted Nicolette and were heading towards her, so before he had a chance to think he was up and jogging, catching her up long before the lads could get close, “there you are” she smiled “so happy you could join me” as they entered the water Nicolette’s nipples became hard, she dived in and swam a few feet until the water was deep enough to crouch in and cover herself. Jon joined her and she wrapped her legs around him and hugged him. “Thanks for being so brave” she giggled, and reached down to his cock and gave it a little tug.

“Stop it people will see” said Jon

“I don’t think they will care” she replied, “look over to your left at that couple, they have to be fucking” and sure enough, as Jon turned to see, there was another couple a fair bit older, perhaps in their 40’s slightly further out in the sea, but clearly having a good time.

“Oh my god, your right!” Jon exclaimed, and put his arms around Nicolette’s waist and cupped her ass. “And look” he continued “There’s two more” indicating another couple about 50 meters away. He leant down and started to kiss her gently, his cock initially shocked by the cold water grew again, this time Nicolette put the breaks on, “Sorry Jon”, she said, “I’m a bit cold now, lets head back to the towels” and she walked out of the sea and headed up the beach, except this time she noticed there were a lot of people watching her.

“Fuck this is hot” she thought as she felt dozens of eyes on her nakedness, she noticed the bunch of lads staring, one was visibly and unashamedly touching his cock watching her, she staired back, encouraged the lad wanked himself faster. Nicolette noticed that Jon wasn’t with her and turned around to see him standing in the sea. She went back grabbed his hand and now it was her turn to pull him, this time back up the beach.

“They’re all staring at you” Jon whispered.

“I know” came the reply “and it’s making me wet”.

“Really!” Jon exclaimed with surprise “That’s kind of hot” he continued.

They reached their towels, mostly hidden from view people lost interest in them, however Nicolette was feeling horny and needed to scratch that itch. She slid over to Jon and started to kiss his neck whilst reaching for his rock hard cock. They kissed for a while touching each other until Jon remembered where he was. “Let’s go back to the hotel, this is too exposed” he suggested.

But Nicolette was having none of it, “I’ve always wanted to fuck on a beach she said, let’s go and hide in the dunes, they looked pretty deserted” she grabbed the bag and marched straight into the dunes not even bothering to look for the path, Jon reluctantly followed. After 200 meters or so they could no longer hear the sea, let alone anyone, and there wasn’t a soul in sight. John spotted a shallow hollow backed up by a dune, it was pretty well hidden, and you would have to be right on top of it to see it was there. Reluctantly he spread the towels out and they lay down. Soon they were kissing and Jon’s worries melted away, Nicolette reached down and squeezed him, a drop of precum formed on the head, Nicolette used her thumb to spread it around then looking into his eyes she licked her thumb and moaned gently. Pushing him onto his back, she started to kiss his chest moving down his body to his tummy and eventually his cock, taking it into her mouth she moaned again. Sucking gently she bobbed her head, with each stroke taking him deeper into her mouth until she had reach the back of her throat. Instead of stopping, she swallowed, once, twice, then his cock entered her throat. Swallowing again and again she milked his throbbing manhood, until she had to come up for air. As she went down again, Jon reached between her legs and found her pussy to be dripping, circling her clit with his fingers they both moaned in unison.

Unable to wait any longer Nicolette straddled him, and teased his cock bu moving it through her folds covering it in her juices, she looked him in the eye and sat down, taking him deep inside her griding her clit on his pubic bone, she rocked back and forth, enjoying the sensation of being outside in the sun, and the chance of being caught. Jon started to thrust as he got more and more turned on, as she continued to fuck him and kiss him at the same time. “Pinch my nipples hard” she whispered into his ear, Jon reached up and found her nipples, as hard as bullets, he pinched. “Harder” she told him, “use your nails” as she sat up to give him better access and to force his cock deeper into her.

As she sat up she noticed movement in the corner of her eye, and turned to see a couple in their early 30’s watching them, the man was wanking his cock, whilst the woman had her hands buried in between her legs, her fingers moving swiftly. It took Nicolette by surprise, these two strangers wanking over them, and she loved it. Her orgasm came quickly as her pussy exploded with pleasure, “fuck, f f f fuck,” she managed to say as her pussy flooded. The man watching turned to his wife and ,with a moan came over her hand, she in turn doubled up as her own orgasm washed over her, this caused Nicolette to cum again, which in turn caused Jon to flood her pussy with his own seed. Nicolette collapsed onto Jon, hot, sweaty and exhausted she whispered, “we’re being watched”.

Jon freaked out and jumped up, but by then he could only see the couple walking away. As Nicolette stood up, cum dripped down her leg, “I’m going back into the sea to wash this off” she said. “We’re going back to the hotel” argued Jon, but once again this fell on deaf ears as Nicolette walked back to the beach for a quick dip in the cool waters hoping to see the couple that watched them.


submitted by /u/9182747463828
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