The rest of the day went by fast after that. All I could think of was. What to wear? Who was going? How long did I have to go? It was moments to ten when I finally decided on a black shirt that was very tight.
I wasn't one of those guys that put those shirts on and had their stomachs sticking out. I actually looked good very good in tight shirts. I also choose black jeans, with black sneakers.
Looking in the mirror one more time. I thought I looked pretty damn good.
There was a knock on the door. Looking over at the time. I realized I had spent more time getting dressed than any guy should. Looking over at my bed, there were clothes everywhere. I didn't particularly appreciate how they looked spread all over it. I quickly scooped them up in both hands, opened the walk-in closet, and then threw them in.
I looked around to ensure there was no other sign that I had been a nervous wreck for the past four hours. Satisfied, I ran downstairs.
"Hey, was beginning to think you were not going to answer," Roxy said.
She was wearing a mini dress. The skirt part stopped just about mid-thigh, and the red stripe ran down both sides of the black dress. She was wearing a black blazer over the top, but I knew there was a keyhole-shaped opening right at chest level.
Part of me wished she would keep that blazer on all night; another wanted to see what was under it.
"Nah was just trying to get a few more kills in, on the game," I said, lying through my teeth.
"Ah!" Roxy said as she walked towards a green sports car. "Charlie is waiting for us."
I turned and locked up.
"Fun," I said sarcastically as I walked towards the car.
She opened the door and got into the back seat. I took a glance at her thighs as she pulled the passenger seatback. Then I got into the front.
"Hey what's up?" Charlie said from the driver's seat.
I recognized him from her workplace. Small frame, brown hair, bright blonde highlights. She must have a thing for blonde guys, I thought to myself.
"Hey," I replied as we pulled away.
Another guy was in the back seat, but I didn't get his name over the roaring engine.
I had no idea why Charlie was trying to show off. He would speed up every chance he got, but we would have to come to a complete stop at every intersection.
Finally, we got to the club. We stepped out. Charlie had them valet park his precious gas guzzler.
I noticed that Charlie had begun talking to the guy from the back seat as we walked in. They both laughed and giggled.
"Relax," Roxy said from beside me as we entered the club.
"I am," I replied.
No, I wasn't. I had just stepped inside the club, and I was already getting the stares from the bouncer and other guys inside the club. We all know the looks. Who is he, and why is he wearing that? Does he think he is tough or something? Yeah, those stares.
We found a place to sit that had a good view of the dance floor. I had to admit it was a nice club.
The bar was lit with bright neon colors. The dance floor was enormous; the upstairs level had a view of everything. The music was loud, but it was supposed to be. No club wanted you to sit and talk all night. They wanted you to drink and dance.
Charlie and the other guy joined us shortly. Then two other ladies joined us. I barely heard the conversation, but they were all friends from the same workplace, from what I gathered. When they introduced me, I lightly shook their hands and smiled.
"Do you dance?" one of the ladies asked.
I knew this question was coming, so I had practiced the reply countless times.
"He is a great dancer!" Roxy shouted back before I could reply.
"Great!" the lady replied, taking my hand before I could interject.
I shot Roxy a killer stare as we walked toward the dance floor. She was half right. I was good at dancing, not great, but I could hold my own.
Before long, I was getting into the groove on the floor and having a great time. The music was just as I liked it loud with heavy beats with some mixes thrown in.
We began to walk back to our spot as we had gotten thirsty. Roxy and Charlie were gone, and so was the other guy. I reminded myself that I would get his name when he came back.
The lady I danced with was Corrine. She had a nice ass, which had been rubbing up on me for the last half hour. Long black hair and a cute face. Her husband was working a night shift, so she took this time to enjoy herself.
I looked over at the dance floor and saw Charlie and Roxy dancing. I had never seen her dance before, and I was genuinely amazed. I was staring hard. She knew how to work her body.
"Wow!" the other lady said.
Her name was Yessica. She was Latin and had no boyfriend or husband. But from the attitude I heard earlier, it was no wonder she was single. The world revolved around her, and she wanted everyone to know it.
"White girl has some moves!" she said.
"Can say that again?" Corrine said.
I was glad I wasn't the only one staring. No wonder Chris had a hard time in the bedroom. I began to think.
"Poor Charlie," I said.
The two women looked at me.
"Why?" Corrine asked.
"Looks like he bit off more than he can chew," I said as I saw Roxy grinding her firm ass against him.
They both still looked at me, puzzled.
"What?" I asked.
"You do know Charlie is gay, right?" Yessica said. She was more telling me than she was asking me.
I looked over at Corrine. Who nodded back at me.
"Could have fooled me," I said.
The guy had moves of his own.
Glad my gaydar didn't work because I would have sworn from the looks and the way he was dancing he was as straight as an arrow.
"Paul is his boyfriend or husband. However, you want to think of it," Yessica said, frowning.
A guy came up to her and asked her to dance, and she walked away.
"Don't mind her," Corrine said. "She acts tough, but she is all talk," she laughed.
Charlie and Roxy came back to the table.
"Here you guys are. We were looking for you out there," Charlie said.
"Come on," Roxy said as her song came on.
I recognized it right away. Roxy played the hell out of it every day when she lived with me.
She grabbed my hand and pulled me to the dance floor. She took her blazer off and threw it at Charlie. I instantly stole a glance at her deep cleavage.
"Try to keep up!" Roxy smiled back at me.
"Do I look like Charlie?" I laughed.
We began to dance close with her facing me. I tried not to focus on her chest, but it was hard.
She lifted one leg and wrapped it around me and fell backwards. I reached forward, grabbed her neck lightly, and pulled her back up. She laughed as she slowly spun around, grinding back on me. I grabbed her waist as she bent over.
Damn, this was a nice view, but I quickly kept my concentration and bumped her forward with my hips. She smiled and walked away. Shaking her ass with her hands on her hips.
She ran her fingers through her hair, biting her lip, motioning for me to come closer to her. She wrapped both arms around my head and neck as I got closer, swinging her hips back and forth. She slowly turned, facing away from me, her ass rubbing close to my crotch.
I suddenly felt another pair of hands around my waist and another body close to mine.
Slightly turning my head backwards, I saw Corrine had joined us.
The two women danced with me for over an hour. I felt sandwiched between them, but I was not complaining.
After the DJ announced that it would be the last song before he would do a set of slow songs, we stopped and walked back to the table. I took the chance to go to the bathroom.
I opened one of the stalls looking in the mirror. My shirt was soaked, as well as my face. I had done my best to keep up with both of them, and it showed. I began to wash my face when I heard some other guys come into the bathroom.
"Did you see that guy with those two white girls?" one of them asked.
I smiled unless more than one guy was dancing with two women; they talked about me.
"Yeah, the red head with the rack had some moves. Poor guy was lost!" the other said.
I sure as hell was not lost. Would like to see them keep up.
"That other one was all ass. I would like to get behind that for sure," the first one said.
I shook my head. Throwing some paper towels into the trash and flushing the toilet just because. I opened the stall and stepped out.
The both of them looked at me as they were washing their hands. I smiled and shook my head, then walked out of the bathroom. I am sure they said more after I left.
As I walked over to our table, I noticed a few guys by our table talking to Roxy and Corrine. I smiled but slowly walked over until I realized these people worked for the club.
"Well think about the offer and get back to us," one of the men said as I got close. "Hey," he said as I walked by him. "If you can get him to join you guys that would be awesome!" he said, pushing two thumbs up.
Roxy nodded.
"What was that about?" I asked, looking around for the others.
"Tell you on the way," Roxy said as we walked out of the club.
We got into Corrine's car and drove over to a diner.
Seemed as if they had both got job offers to work at the club as dancers.
We spotted the others in a corner booth as we entered the diner.
"You guys should definitely take the offer," I said as we sat down.
"Take what offer?" Charlie asked.
Soon the conversation was in full swing. But it started to die down as quickly as Yessica showed up.
"What's going on, fools?" she said, sitting down.
She injected herself into the conversation. But had nothing positive to say at all.
"Your a good dancer, but you don't have any good clothes to wear. Except for that one," she said, pointing to the one Roxy was wearing. "And that took you two paychecks to get!"
Roxy's smile went away. Yessica looked over at Corrine.
"You're lucky your man let you out tonight. I am sure he wouldn't let you out every weekend to dance," she said, taking some of Charlie's fries.
This made everyone silent.
"What? Can't handle honesty?" Yessica said, shrugging.
"Honesty is one thing. Being unrealistic is another," I said.
To which Roxy hit me with her elbow. It took me one night to notice no one stood up to this bitch. Yessica looked at me with a stare that could kill.
"The reason you don't want them to take the job is that they would rain on your spotlight," I began to say. "Only one guy came up to you tonight. I am guessing that pissed you off. Now you want to tear them down to make yourself feel better!"
To which others smirked.
Yessica stood up.
"I don't have to take this!" she said, walking out.
"You should not have done that," Corrine said.
"She had it coming," Charlie said, to which they agreed.
"I better go," Corrine said.
She was visibly displeased at the whole situation.
Charlie and his boyfriend looked like they wanted to go as well.
"We can get a cab," I said, not trying to keep them away from whatever they wanted to do.
As if I had rung the lunch bell, they took off. Roxy looked at me.
"What?" I asked.
"You know what!" Roxy said, shaking her head.
I waved the waitress over and paid the bill.
"Sometimes you have to put a filter on that brain of yours," Roxy said as we began to walk out of the diner.
"Did I tell a lie?" I asked.
"No but some people can't handle the truth. Well the blatant truth," she said as we waited outside.
The waitress had called a cab for us.
"This is going to be a fun week," Roxy said, shaking her head. She was visibly cold.
"Here," I said, taking off my jacket and wrapping it around her.
"Thanks," she said. "But you will be cold too," she pulled me close and wrapped her arms around me, placing her head on my chest. "Promise me you will be nice to her next time. I do have to live with her."
"Well maybe it will be the last time I will see her," I smiled.
We both laughed as the cab pulled in. I opened the door for Roxy and climbed in after her.
"Well you can stay in your old room tonight. It will give her time to calm down," I said as we settled in the back of the cab.
She nodded that it was just as cold inside as it was outside. I told the driver where to go and paid half the fare upfront as it was right.
I opened the door to the apartment and waved the cab driver goodbye. It was nice of him to watch us get into the apartment, but I am sure he thought it was only fitting with the big tip I gave him.
She quickly walked over to the heating unit and dialled it up.
"Sheesh, it's like a morgue in here!" Roxy said, shivering.
She went to the fridge and poured herself a drink.
"You just don't like the cold," I said as we sat in the small kitchen.
Roxy got up and took the jacket off and her petite blazer revealing the keyhole cut in her dress. I had seen it most of the night, but now in the light, her cleavage was just too much.
"Well I guess I will call it a night," I said, pretending to yawn and stretch.
She slammed the cup down on the table.
"How do you do that!" Roxy said out loud.
"What?" I asked, sitting back down.
Something told me the redhead was going to explode again.
"You can tell people off, and say you're just being honest. But you can't sit here with me and be honest to yourself!" Roxy said, staring right at me.
I tried my best to look at her, but I couldn't. Even though she was no longer my friend's girl, there was just no way I could look at her. Knowing I was the one that had caused their separation.
"I can but..." I began to say.
"Don't even, your just going to bend the truth just enough to make me feel good," she said, shaking her head.
Roxy grabbed a chair and pulled it close so that we were face to face.
"You want honesty?" Roxy said, looking me straight in the eyes. "You know the real reason why I left?"
She shook her head and smiled.
"I fought myself to feel angry, upset or even depressed for Chris leaving. I even tried to feel guilty for what I did with you. But I couldn't," Roxy said, sitting back in her chair and throwing her hands up. "I felt happy it was over. Chris and I never really clicked. Sure we had fun. But never really clicked and as far as what I did with you."
She was leaning forward. Staring me dead in the eye.
"I was going to tell him. I was going to tell him what I did and that I have wanted to do that and more since I met you," shaking her head. "There. There is your honesty!"
She stood up, looking down at me.
"At least one of us can be honest with our selves," Roxy said, walking out of the kitchen.
I don't know what came over me, but I quickly stood up, grabbed her hand, turned her around, and kissed her. She began to kiss me back as we slammed into the kitchen wall.
"About time!" Roxy said as we parted.
"Shut up," I smiled as we began to kiss again.
With her back against the wall, she lifted her leg and wrapped it around. I quickly grabbed it with one hand and began to stroke her thigh under the skirt. She began to moan softly as I bit her neck and kissed her. Her leg dropped as I rubbed and squeezed her ass.
"They are up here," Roxy said, grabbing my hand and putting it on her chest.
I have big hands, but they seemed small compared to her massive chest. I quickly scooped her up.
Both her legs wrapped around me as I carried her upstairs. Lightly kicking my bedroom door open. I planted her down on the bed.
"Such force!" Roxy said, looking up at me as I climbed on top of her. "I like it!" she said, smiling.
I smiled back and kissed down her body, lightly lifting her skirt.
"Zipper!" she said before I began to rip it off her.
I reached up and pulled the zipper down as the outfit peeled off her.
Revealing a strapless black bra and matching thong.
"Damn!" I said, looking at her lovely body.
Her stomach was nice and tight; her long thighs went down to beautiful legs and feet. But her chest breathed up and down with those huge breasts heaving with it.
I laid down between her legs, pushing her legs apart. Slowly I slid a finger into her. She moaned softly as she felt my breath on her. I pushed my tongue inside her joining my finger, working it all around.
Her moans got louder. Sliding another finger into her drove the cries louder as her body began to move and grind down on my tongue and face.
I was getting turned on by her noises, so I kept going deeper and faster, working on her clit with my tongue. This was beginning to drive her crazy as her hands grabbed the sheets and pulled on them. I worked her warm pussy more with my tongue.
Her body arched as an orgasm erupted inside her. She began to push her boobs together, sucking on the nipples.
"Don't stop!" she screamed as I continued.
I gripped her hips with my arms.
"Oh my god! Right there!" Roxy said as she grabbed my head with both hands pushing my head into her.
I had no intention of stopping.
"Fuck!" she squealed as her body arched again for the second time. "Okay! Enough! Enough!" she said, pushing me back with her feet.
"Fuck me now!" she ordered.
I took off my shirt and jeans in a quick second. My rock hard dick poked through my boxers.
"Mm... mm..." she moaned, looking at it.
I pulled them off. I slid back between her legs. She looked at me as she sucked on a nipple again with teasing eyes.
"Put it in me big boy!" Roxy smiled.
I nodded as I put my dick at the entrance of her and slowly moved forward. Her mouth instantly went into an O as I slid inch by inch into her.
"Okay stop right there!" she said.
I was barely halfway into her. But I remembered what she worked with before and slowly started going back and forth, working more into her slowly.
"Fuck that feels good!" I said.
I wasn't lying either. Her pussy was hot and tight. Tighter than most of the women I had ever been with.
I leaned back, grabbing both her legs and splitting them wide apart as I slowly rocked back and forth into her watching my black dick go in and out of her made me harder.
"Like what you see!" Roxy said, breathing heavily.
I nodded as I kept looking. My dick was sliding in and out of her. Getting coated with her wetness. She was taking more of me, and she loved it.
"Go faster!" Roxy said as she held both of her tits up to her mouth.
"Fuck yeah suck on them big tits!" I said, looking at her.
I pushed forward, holding myself over her body. With my arms on each side of her, looking down at her as she looked up at me.
She kept her legs wide as I fucked her deeper now; she took me in. The sound of my balls slapping against her filled the room.
"Fuck yeah take it all!" I said, pushing deeper with each thrust.
She pulled me down on top of her wrapping her legs around my waist. I kept thrusting up in her back and forth. The poor bed squeaked and slid back and forth under us.
"You're so fucking deep!" Roxy said into my ears.
Her legs locked tighter behind me as she squeezed them closer, pushing me deeper into her. Her ankles were digging into my lower back. I felt her body quiver again, and her mouth made an inaudible scream. She was cumming again.
I wrapped my arms under her, then up, grabbing her shoulders. I began pulling them down with each upthrust.
Her eyes popped open.
I pushed myself up off her, breaking free of her leg lock on me. I wanted to fuck her harder than anyone ever had or would. Grabbing both legs. I put them together and pushed them forward over her head so they nearly touched the backboard.
"Oh god!" Roxy screamed as I fucked down onto her.
She held her legs looking up at me with tears in her eyes.
"Fuck me! fuck me!" Roxy said. "Fucking use me!"
She was now soaking the bed. Every time she came. I fucked down harder and harder.
I was on the verge of cumming. But I wanted to fuck her so much more.
"'I'm Cumming!" I said, giving in finally.
She let her legs go.
"Cum on my tits!" she said.
I quickly pulled out and straddled her chest as I came. The first blast shot her straight in the face. The others landed on her tits as she pushed them together. When I finished, she began to lick her tits clean.
I fell to the side of her, breathing heavily. She turned and leaned on me, giving me a big kiss.
"I take that as a compliment," I smiled.
"You better!" Roxy slapped me lightly on the shoulder. She laid her head on my chest. "I can't feel my lower body."
She grabbed my arm and rolled over on her side. She held my hand on one of her enormous tits. We fell asleep like that.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
The morning came quickly. I woke up on my back. Roxy was lying on her stomach, her red hair all over the place. I smiled, remembering what happened that night. Feeling me stirring, she opened her eyes.
"Morning," Roxy said.
"Morning," I said as I began to get up.
"Where are you going?" she asked.
"The gym. I am kinda late," I smiled.
She shook her head. Pulling me back to bed. We kissed deeply, and her hands wandered down my chest. She wrapped her hand around my hardening dick.
She moaned as she kissed my chest, slowly working her way down. Her head disappeared under the covers. Then I felt her mouth wrap around my dick. I couldn't believe she was going to do this.
She had never done it with Chris. I heard him complain nearly daily about it.
The covers began to go up and down right where her head was.
"Fuck that feels good!" I said as she began to go faster.
By no means was she the best I ever had, but the feeling of her doing it was more than the actual act.
She stopped and came up.
"I'm sorry," Roxy said, shaking her head. "I can't, I want to..." she began to speak.
"It's okay," I said, smiling at her.
She shook her head. Then told me why she didn't like doing it.
The first time she had ever tried it was in high school with a college guy. He did not like how she was doing it, so he basically grabbed the back of her head, basically skull fucking her until he came down her throat. Then left her the very next day.
"First that would never happen to you again," I said, holding her close. "Second you don't have to do anything you don't want to."
She smiled and nodded.
"But there is something I like to do and I am very good at!" Roxy said, sliding herself out of bed.
She left the room but patted the end of the bed before leaving.
I sat at the end of the bed. As Roxy returned, she had some baby oil lotion in her hands and rubbed it into her tits. Instantly my dick hardened to a fully upright position.
She sat on her knees between my legs, grabbing both tits and wrapping them around my dick. Instantly it felt great. She began bouncing them up and down.
"How does that feel?" Roxy asked as she bounced them faster.
Words did not escape my mouth. I could barely keep myself upright. Roxy's big oily boobs were bouncing around my dick and slapping heavily on my thighs. Even when I looked down between her huge oily tits, I could see the head of my dick barely reaching the top.
"You like your dick being buried between my big fucking boobs. Don't you?" Roxy said. Teasing me.
"Fuck yeah!" I replied.
Roxy began to bounce them harder. Up and down over and over. Her arms wrapped around them, making it tighter.
"Oh fuck I am going to cum!" I couldn't believe it.
I tried to hold it back, but it was already too late. Roxy held them both tight around me as I shot up through them.
"Well I take that as you being satisfied?" she laughed.
I nodded my head as we lay back on the bed. There was a loud thump downstairs. We both looked at each other.
I quickly put some clothes on and headed down. I felt a sharp pain across my face as I turned the corner. I stumbled backwards.
"Hi Chris," I said, shaking the feeling off.
Chris stood in the doorway to the kitchen, his fist clenched. He came at me again, but I grabbed him and planted him face-first into the wall this time. Holding him there.
"First one was a freebie!" I said, letting him go. "You try it again and I will hurt you I promise!"
He looked back at me. Chris was an intelligent person even when anger took over him. He knew I was a better fighter than he was.
"How?" Chris said, shaking his head.
Roxy came down the stairs as she saw Chris; she shook her head.
"You don't get to ask how!" Roxy said, walking straight past me. "How, why and all the other questions you want to ask left when you walked out that door!" she said, pointing to the door.
Chris nodded.
"I understand you, I understand why you did this to me!" he said to her.
"But you!" Chris said, pointing to me. "We were friends, brothers even! And you slept with her the moment I was gone!" he shouted.
I could not look him in the face. He was right.
"If the roles were reversed you would whoop my ass all over this apartment. And I would let you. Because brothers don't do that!" he said as he walked out the door.
I fell backwards on the stairs sitting down. Chris was right. If the roles were reversed, I would be pissed.
"His wrong, you know," Roxy said, sitting beside me. I looked up at her. "A brother would not walk out and leave without a word. He stopped being your friend and brother the moment he started thinking about himself," she said, holding her hand out.
I slowly stood up.
"Doesn't make it feel right," I said back to her.
"I know," she said as she hugged me. "I know."
Author's Note: The rest of this story as well as many other stories can be found on my other pages, the links to which can be found here
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