Been spending a lot of time by myself, I don’t feel lonely but I do suddenly miss connecting with people, what’s a good way to meet people?

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I’ve always been good at socializing when I have to, like for work ... but on my personal time I really don’t do much, I avoid people since most of them are only out to see what they can get out of you... at least that’s been my experience ... I haven’t dated in a while ... I don’t make plans ... I’ve got a handful of friends and cousins that have grown used to that and really don’t expect me to show up or don’t get offended when I decline their invitations anymore ... I know I shouldn’t depend on someone else, but I kind of wish I’d find someone that would want to get to know me ... that would want to hang out ... that would motivate me to get back out there and mingle ... but I don’t see that happening if I don’t take the first step and get out there and start a conversation with someone ... soo what’s a good way to do that?

submitted by /u/Eddieisthename
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