A personal post-golf fantasy

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BGM for this piece, please have it play while you're reading - https://youtu.be/TvbpQx-dQfQ

I have to admit, I'm a little drunk to be writing this erotica. Let's just admit, that North Carolina bourbon is just too good for me to stop, and time with him is too good for me to stop fantasizing - what if we actually went on a trip together?

I always have the scene from a particular music video stuck in my mind - when the driver asks the lady in the back "what are you here for?" She bites her lips and says "For pleasure." I could always picture myself giving a similar answer - "For business, but also, for pleasure." I've countlessly fantasized what it would be for us to go on a trip together, and here it goes.

We've been long apart, and I've moved on with my life, in a brand new city. I still think of you from time to time, wishing you'd be there, cheering for me, when I hit a great golf shot. Let's just say - in this fantasy of mine, we're taking a golf trip, away from our normal lives, coz you know, it's a very common thing for golf buddies to do. What's the difference between doing a golf trip with your actual buddy as opposed to someone who's romantically into you?

Anyways, we're completely away from our lives, our spouses, just in this out-of-nowhere golf course. Nobody know who we are, who we are affiliated with. Just us, having a good time, like most golf buddies, except that I wanna be fucked by you so badly. While on the field, I complain to you, I don't understand why my shots are off, and you, as a nice person and a good friend, comes to my behind, hover yourself over me, hold my waist to show a good weight shift, and corrects my form for me. Ah, such frustration, when I've been hitting bad shorts consistently. Anyways, the weather takes a bad turn, we both get soaked, and return to our resort. Of course, we have two separate rooms, but what's stopping me from just taking a hot shower with you in your room that I get to show off my body to you? No one would know, other than us. Conserves water, be good for the environment - killing two birds with one stone. The random father-and-son we got paired with at the golf course already thinks we're together in this town that is strange to both of us.

After the hot shower, we're both comfortable, and I pursue you shamelessly. What if I accidentally trip and fall into your bed with just towels hugging my figure? Is it a seduction? You're entitled to think it is whatever it is, maybe a genuine a mistake coz I'm always so clumsy - well, in fact, I AM seducing you. Come and take me, why wouldn't you wanna entertain my softness and warmth? I grab you by your tie (once again, please ignore why you're wearing a tie after shower, it's a fucking fantasy), and pull you close to me, make you bury your head in my breast. And then, I look you into your eyes - ah, the eyes, they always remind me of a deep yet clear pond in the midst of the forest. A deer, drinking from a spring, looks into the spring, and see its own crystal eyes reflected in the spring. That's how I always feel about your eyes. I stare into your breeziness, and would beg - "please, sir." A smirk surfaces up at the corner of your lips, "No, not so fast, babe, you gotta be patient." You say it, as you plunge a finger into my wetness. For the record, I'm wet because I just got out of a hot shower and just haven't dried myself properly, not because of other reasons at all. I would moan, and twine my arms around your neck. I would beg, "please give it to me already, I can't take this any more," and you, ah, being that jerk you always are, would just laugh at my lust for you, without giving me that extra finger, or your hot stiff staff.

Next thing I know, you flip me over. My hands are still locked above my head, and all of a sudden, I feel cold liquid running on the small of backs. Apparently, you just poured our favorite scotch over me, and somehow, the dimples of my back served as great shot glasses. I feel the coolness the evaporation of that scotch brings, yet simultaneously, I also feel the warmth of your tongue running through my back. Weirdly, I feel that I'm competing against that scotch for your love and somehow I feel I'm losing.

I think you're just playing hard to get. You use that tie (once again, I don't know why a tie is involved, but this is a fucking fantasy) to tie my arms up above my head. You hold my wrists down, and I'm all exposed to you. Is this just a peculiar habit to play with your prey? IDK, my mind is already in a short-circuit state at this point. I honestly don't know how to get what I want - to be fulfilled. Next scene I see, you withdraw yourself from my body, and grab a 5 iron, and use that to caress me. I know it's clean because you rarely use a 5 iron on the field. The cold touch of that iron is simply not cooling me down at all. All I can feel is that my skin is so hot, and the iron is bringing me waves chills - when it crosses my nose, my neck, my nipples and my abs, and down to the warmest area of me.

I get into the same level frustration as when I'm golfing - why are my shots so consistently bad? Why aren't you fucking me already? And you just have that confident grin, as if everything has been under your control. Well, that's very true, you do - you always have such great self-control, especially comparing to my weak will. I look deep into your eyes, I always see that malicious tease. You love torturing me, and seeing me suffer and getting frustrated. And I'm just that idiot who wants to please you. Whatever you want, sir.

And we end this fantasy abruptly, since I'm drunk enough and the vibrator does serve me very well. ;p And to the Readers, my deepest apologies - this may not be the most sexual piece you'd come across and you might be disappointed - "Where's the description of that porno scene in this erotica?" Here's this author's polite response - "Take it or leave it."

submitted by /u/ThanQSir
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