Girls Will Be Girls

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When Linda and I were dating, (early 1980’s) I used to have Playboys, Penthouses, and ect. Linda would drop by my apartment between classes and labs . I would rarely be there she had a key. One day I came home unexpectedly and heard her in the bedroom talking to herself. She evidently didn’t hear me come in. She had her pants off and was masturbating looking at a Hustler mag and saying what she’d do the the pussies she was looking at. When she discovered that I was there, she was mortified and started cry. She was so embarrassed! This was 1982 girls just didn’t come out. I consoled her and told her that it was alright and that I thought it was hot. So we evolved to looking at them together and talking about the ones we found hot. We would get new issues every month. So she eventually took her favorites back to her apartment to enjoy alone. A few months went by and she was “enjoying” her favorite when MaryBeth tapped on the door. Linda covered with her blanket and hid the mags under it too. MaryBeth had a question about some notes on a class they had together. The entire time Linda was playing with her pussy under the covers. Linda answered her questions and MaryBeth said good night. A few moments later however, MaryBeth was tapping at her door again. MaryBeth is very sweet and very demure. She shyly asked if she could ask a question. Linda said sure. She reached in her robe and produced a Club Magazine that Linda had hidden under her bed with the rest of her stash. She asked if she could trade it out for a new one. Linda was flabbergasted!! She pulled back the covers and revealed a stack that she’d been thumbing through. Linda said , “MaryBeth I had no idea!” MaryBeth said “Me either! Not until I found these magazines!” Linda told her to take her pick. MaryBeth started to search one and then the other while standing there. Linda said this is silly, “sit here and look with me and tell me what you see that interest you and why”. So patting the bed beside her MaryBeth slipped into bed with her. The covers still covering their laps. As they chatted about their “preferences “ their fingers were busy out of sight. Linda asked MaryBeth if she’d mind if she were to see her pussy? She said I’m sure it’s as pretty as any we’re looking at. So shyly, MaryBeth pushed the covered down and away to reveal her thick honey blonde bush. She parted her thighs and opened up her pussy so that Linda could see her labia. They both sat cross legged on the bed looking at each other’s pussy and fingering themselves. Both girls got very very drippy, oozing wet. They eventually tasted each other’s juices from their fingers. MaryBeth was the first one to suggest that the satisfy each other licking each other’s pussy. It was the first pussy for both of them. So MaryBeth and Linda had this secret thing going for quite a while before I found out.

submitted by /u/Emeraldcoast60s
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