I started stripping to pay my way through college and I couldn’t be happier 18/F

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I started my freshman year of college this past fall. All was well until my family discovered I was dating/seeing a guy 11 years older then me. Now I don’t see the issue with this, 11 years isn’t that much and we’re both consenting adults. However my parents disagreed and cut me off. Not wanting to take out loans I needed something that would pay off, and I decided to start stripping this summer. It’s only been about a month but I’ve already paid off my fall tuition and expect to pay off the spring semester before classes even start in august. Stripping has been extremely freeing. It’s allowed me to gain confidence and I overall love all the attention I’ve been getting from both men and women. While my family is even more pissed at me now, I’ve never been happier and don’t want to stop. My bf is proud of me and encourages me. It’s really allowing me to get comfortable with my sexuality and I’ve gotten less shy in bed which Ik my bf loves.

submitted by /u/IrisScout77
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