Wife’s hot friend

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So my wife has a hot Ukrainian friend… Me (31) wifu (28) and we have 2 kids. Wife’s friend is around (33) married to an older guy 50+, they also got 2 kids.

She would visit us often with her kids. For about 2 years now we live in different states. Last year she came over with her kids for Christmas for a week. We always joke around and stuff and sometimes I get a feeling that she wouldn’t mind fucking me.

This year she’s coming over for a week again. Should I somehow steer convo into threesome? Maybe get intimate with her when wife isn’t home? If y’all think I should make a move, any suggestions how? When?

Worth mentioning, did tell my wife last year that a had a feeling like her friend seems interested in me. Wife laughed at me and didn’t believe me. I did mention that threesome would be great, to which wife smiled and looked away with no answer…

submitted by /u/Seduction22
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