Intern Internment - Ch. 4-6

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Chapter 4

Will cringed as his driver-side door creaked as he closed it.

I’ve really got to fix that.

Turning to walk towards the office, he had to shield his eyes as the early morning sun nearly blinded him as it reflected off the windows of the building. Shouldering his bag, he headed towards the entrance.

Maybe she was in a bad mood last week? It’s Monday, and she’s had all weekend to recover from the meeting. Maybe she will actually be somewhat tolerable today.

As he entered the entrance of the office, Rebecca sat up in her chair at the receptionist's desk, her brilliant smile lighting up the room.

“Good morning, Will,” she said pleasantly as he fished his ID card out of his pocket.

“Good morning, Rebecca! You seem like you’re in a good mood this morning,” Will glanced at his watch, realizing there was still half an hour to spare before Haylie would even arrive at the office.

“I am,” the receptionist replied, her voice bordering on flirtation.

“OH! Don’t tell me!” Will held up a hand to interrupt her, “You met a new guy this weekend?”

“No…” Rebecca twirled her hair with a finger, turning from side to side in her office chair.

“Wait… wait…” Will snapped his fingers as realization set in, “I see it now! You got a makeover this weekend!”

“Yes!” Rebecca replied excitedly, “Do you like it?”

“I love it! You are absolutely glowing! What are you doing behind that desk? You should be in front of a camera modeling!” Will stepped back a few feet, miming a camera in his hand, “Especially the new hairstyle, it frames your face quite well. I hope you left them a good tip because they did a hell of a job!”

“Thank you!” Rebecca’s face flushed with pink as she started to blush, “You’re the first person to notice.”

“Well, I’ve always had an eye for details. It’s a blessing and a curse,” he glanced down at his watch, realizing he needed to head upstairs if he was going to have everything ready for Haylie when she arrived, “I’ve got to get busy, but as always, it was a pleasure talking to you this morning, Rebecca.”

With a smile, he turned to head toward the elevators.

“Will… wait!” Rebecca called after him.

“What’s up?”

“Did you mean what you said about the modeling thing?” Rebecca asked, her voice sounding more timid.

“Absolutely. Why do you ask?” Will’s eyebrow went up as he wondered where this was going.

“Well, I heard from some of the girls around here that you do photography. A very specific style of photography,” Rebecca fidgeted with her nails as she spoke, “And they also said you were quite good at it.”

Will looked around to see if anyone else was around, “How do you know about that?”

Looking up from her nails, she met his eyes with her own, “Oh, you know, we did some digging and found your Instagram page for your photography work.”

He blinked at her, surprised by the revelation, “How… how is that even possible? My Instagram page for my photography is under a completely different name and email.”

Rebecca shrugged her shoulders, “I have no idea, but someone figured it out. I wouldn’t worry about it though. I think you have some fans around here.”

“And let me guess, you want to model for me?”

A hint of a smile formed in the corner of Rebecca’s mouth, “Why do you think I got the makeover done?”

“And you’re comfortable with me taking those kinds of photos of you?”

“Yes, I am. Maybe even wearing less than the other women you’ve photographed,” Rebecca began to blush again, “You do a really great job at using lighting to capture your subject’s natural beauty. I can see the smile on your models’ faces and I can feel the confidence they feel when you capture them like that. I just want someone to see me like that.”

Oh, you poor thing.

“You’re sure about this?” Will asked softly as more people started to file into the front entrance.

“Absolutely,” her smile returned as she waved at people as they flashed their ID badges at her, “I just don’t know what to wear.”

“Wear whatever you want, or nothing at all,” Will shifted the weight of his bag on his shoulders, “It’s all about what YOU are comfortable with, and how YOU want to see yourself, Rebecca. It’s not about what I want to see.”

“Did you sleep with them?” she asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear, “Your models I mean.”

“Some of them, yes,” Will shook his head, “But I was also dating them at the time, so it wasn’t like I was a man whore at the university, photographing women to get laid.”

“Oh! I didn’t mean to imply…” she looked away, clearly embarrassed.

“Hey, no! It’s okay!” Will glanced at his watch again, “Look, I’ve really got to head upstairs, but we will talk later, okay? You’ve got my number in the registry, shoot me a text if you have any more questions?”

Rebecca smiled and shook her head up and down. Will turned, walking fast towards the elevators. Three other people occupied the same elevator as he stepped onto it.

“Four, please,” he asked as he stepped to the side.

One by one, people stepped off the elevator until Will arrived at his floor. The office was dark, as it had been for the past two weeks since he had started. He was the first to arrive out of anyone else on the floor. Setting his bag down in the break room, he went about his routine of starting the coffee, turning on the lights, and prepping the break room with sugar, creamer, and napkins. Using the sink, he gave the microwave plate a good scrub and dried it with a paper towel. No sooner had he finished pouring himself a cup of coffee, he heard the elevator ding.

“Good morning Mr. Juniper,” Will poured his boss a cup of coffee.

“Good morning, Will,” His boss took a sip of the coffee, “Damn that’s good coffee. Keep this up and I’ll have to hire you when you’re done with your internship.”

Will shrugged his shoulders, “Eh, I just like being useful.”

“Mmmhmmm,” Mr. Juniper held up a finger, “Speaking of which, are you all set to head down to Tampa today?”

“Yes, sir,” Will held up one finger at a time as he spoke, “The plane tickets are on Haylie’s desk, I verified the reservation for the hotel on Saturday, and I spoke with Graham this morning. We’re all set.”

“Good. Very good,” he took another sip of coffee, “Look, I am sorry about my daughter. I probably should have warned you more about her and her attitude.”

“It’s fine. I’m sure she and I will find something to bond over eventually. I get it though, she has been used to doing things her way without any interruption for a couple years now. Now she has me in her hair asking all kinds of questions,” Will shrugged his shoulders, “That said, I can certainly see why she is the best in the building at what she does. I am learning a ton from her.”

Mr. Juniper nodded in agreement, “My daughter or not, I told her after she graduated that there would be no corners cut for her. She might have her mother’s temper and attitude, but she’s got my work ethics, thank goodness.”

The sound of people filing into the office started to drift into the break room.

Mr. Juniper gave Will a friendly pat on the shoulder, “Welp, it’s the start of a new week, and a new week means new opportunities. Give them hell in Tampa.”

“Will do, Mr. Juniper.”

Filling a mug of coffee for Haylie, Will rushed to unlock her office and gather everything for their trip. Laptop, charger, case, Haylie’s work phone, charger, and portable charger, and some extra pens for the trip all got stuffed into a company embroidered travel bag. His phone dinged with a notification. Unlocking the phone he viewed the text message.

Rebecca’s face was the first thing he noticed, followed by a pair of pink, puffy nipples and a naughty smile.

Will, I know they aren’t as big as some of the other models you’ve photographed, but I wanted you to see what you were going to be working with ahead of time.

A few seconds later, another image of Rebecca’s face appeared on his phone, this time accompanied by two fingers spreading her pussy apart to reveal her pink curtains and clit, with a small strip of hair at the top.

Should I shave? I’ve never done these kinds of photos before, so I don’t know if my pussy is supposed to be clean-shaven or waxed. I’ve been looking at nude photos of models on my phone, and they are all waxed, so I was thinking maybe I should do it? I don’t know, though. Which would you prefer?

“Hello!!! Are you even listening to me?” Haylie’s voice surprised him, almost causing him to drop his phone, “For Christ’s sake, I can’t believe I am going to be stuck with you for the next three days.”

Well, so much for her being in a good mood.

“Sorry, I didn’t hear you come in,” Will gathered the travel bag and his personal bag, and motioned with a hand to her desk, “Everything is packed up, the tickets are on your desk, and I made you a fresh cup of coffee, black, just how you like it.”

Haylie looked him up and down and sniffed, “I guess even a broken clock is right twice a day.”

Chapter 5

“Ugh! It is even hotter here than it was in South Carolina when we left!” Haylie whined as she closed the door of the rental.

“Ah, good ol’ Florida,” Will said as he popped the trunk and retrieved their bags, “I spent a couple months down here in training a few years back. If the hurricanes aren’t trying to kill you, the sun is.”

As he closed the trunk of the rental with his elbow, Will could have swore that he saw Haylie actually smile for a moment.

Ah ha! So she DOES have a sense of humor.

“I guess it’s not all bad. At least we are close to the beach,” Haylie noted as she shielded her eyes from the sun and glanced off at the water behind the hotel.

“It’s a shame we didn’t bring any swimsuits,” Will commented.

Haylie rolled her eyes at him, “I don’t know who this ‘we’ is. You really think I am going to come to Florida and not pack a bikini?”

Shouldering her bag he grunted with effort, “By the feel of it, you brought your whole closet.”

That earned him a scornful glare from Haylie.

Heh, worth it.

“Come on, let's get checked in, drop the bags off, and head over to the Gridsquare Foundation office before we melt in this heat,” Haylie said as she carried no more than her purse across the baking parking lot.

“Yes, ma’am.”

Walking into the front entrance of the Hilton, the air conditioning was a blessed relief from the scorching heat outside. Will stopped short of the check-in desk, groaning a bit as he set the bags on the floor.

“We have a reservation under the name of Juniper Marketing,” Will said, slightly winded.

The receptionist typed on the computer for a few seconds, “Yes, we have your room ready to go, and I see your card is already on file, so let me just get your room key ready.”

Haylie stepped up to the desk, “Wait, what do you mean room?”

“I apologize for the inconvenience, but what happen was-”

Haylie cut the receptionist off as she slapped Will’s shoulder, “You idiot! I thought you said you reserved two rooms!”

“I did!” Will held his hand up defensively, “I called Saturday and confirmed both of them!”

“Ma’am, if I can please just-”

“Apparently not!” Haylie barked at him, “For someone with a 3.98 GPA, you sure are stupid sometimes, Will! How fucking hard was it to reserve two rooms? Fucking interns! They never do anything right!”

“But I…” Will started to speak before the receptionist cut him off.

“Ma’am,” the receptionist quipped sharply, “With all due respect, the gentleman did verify the reservations Saturday. I took his phone call myself. However, this morning we had a plumbing accident in one of the rooms we are renovating when a contractor cut into a wall with a saw and severed one of the water lines. Half of the building has been flooded, and we’ve already had to cancel several renovations.”

“Oh,” Haylie’s tone changed from anger to humility, “Well, that’s unfortunate.”

Humility? Haylie? That’s gotta be a first.

The receptionist continued, “I can offer you a full refund for your reservations and you can seek somewhere else to stay, or we can provide a cot for one of you to sleep on, seeing as how this is a business trip and there is only one bed in the room available. We would offer the current reservation at a discount given the less than ideal conditions.”

“Umm,” Haylie looked at Will as she considered, “I guess the one room would be okay?”

Will shrugged his shoulders, “Wouldn’t be the first cot I’ve slept on.”

“Well, I guess that settles it,” Haylie accepted the room keys from the receptionist.

The receptionist gave them a pleasant smile, “Thank you for choosing the Hilton and enjoy your stay.”

A short elevator ride later, they arrived on the third floor. With a beep and a click of the lock, Haylie opened the door into the room.

“Oh my goodness,” she gasped as she walked towards the balcony door, “Look at that view!”

Will glanced at the beach and the blue water as he set the bags on the bed. While it was an amazing view, he couldn’t help but notice Haylie’s silhouetted figure as she leaned against the glass door. Her slim, petite frame was exactly the kind of woman he was attracted to, and no one could deny that her ass looked amazing in those skin tight jeans.

No, get your mind out of the gutter. This woman would sooner cut your dick off than give you a snowball’s chance in hell at sleeping with her. She is nice to look at, though.

Will cleared his throat, causing Haylie to turn her head towards him. As the Florida sunlight played brilliantly on her face in the dark room, he couldn’t deny how beautiful Haylie was. At that moment, he really wished he’d brought his camera. The ambient lighting, her pose, the way the sunlight made her blue eyes sparkle, was, as much as he hated to admit it… perfect.

“What?” she snapped.

“We need to go,” Will tapped his watch, “We have to be there in half an hour, and it’s a twenty-minute drive, plus traffic.”

Haylie rolled her eyes, “Ugh, fine. But afterward, we are getting burgers and coming back to the room so I can enjoy this view more.”

“Sounds good to me,” Will expressed as he picked up the company travel bag off the bed, “Shall we?”

Chapter 6

It was well after dark by the time they returned to the hotel, and Will was sitting on the bed finishing his burger, as Haylie did… whatever girls do for so long in the bathroom.

Probably taking an excessive amount of selfies with duck faces, he thought to himself with a chuckle.

“What’s so funny?” Haylie asked from the bathroom.

“Nothing, just had a funny thought is all.”

“You know, I have to admit that the Gridsquare Foundation has a really great program going on,” she said as the hair dryer turned off, “It amazes me how easily the veteran community is able to network together. As a marketing specialist, I am envious of how natural it comes to veterans to work together to make something happen.”

Will sat on the end of the bed, peering out the balcony door at the moonlight dancing across the waves, thinking back to his time in the Army when networking was a requirement, not a luxury.

“It’s because we’ve always had only ourselves and those next to us to rely on,” Will crumpled up the wrapper of his burger and finished his drink, “Especially in combat. You have to learn to network, and operate as a team to get the objective done, or bad things happen to good people.”

He stood, turning to toss the wrapper and his drink in the trash bin. Only then did Will realize that the bathroom door was wide open. The vision of her froze him dead in his tracks. Haylie stood in front of the mirror, wearing a black G-string bikini, with a top that left little up to the imagination, and the bottoms even less so. She twisted and turned in the mirror, checking herself out as she adjusted the tops and bottoms a few times. It took a minute, but her eyes flicked in the reflection of the mirror and she undoubtedly caught him staring.

“Like what you see?” Haylie said with an accusatory tone, “Fucking pervert.”

The bathroom door slammed shut.

Yeah, actually. I kind of did. What a shame such a beautiful face and such a perfect body belongs to such a hateful person.

A few minutes later she emerged from the bathroom wearing a pair of pink, lacy panties, and a shirt that was cut off just below her breasts.

Well, that's not fair at all. What a fucking tease.

“Seriously?” Will objected.

“What?” she glared at him with an eyebrow raised.

“First you stand in the bathroom, door wide open, in a bikini that is made of less fabric than a washcloth, then you come out here wearing THAT,” he motioned towards her with his arms, “And I’m a pervert? For fucks sake, Haylie, your practically naked.”

“Well, I normally sleep naked. So, yeah, I am going to wear this,” she said with a snide tone, “Is there something wrong with that?”

Yes, there is something wrong with it! You’re exactly the body type I like, you’re fucking gorgeous, and I don’t know how much longer I can hang around you and not get hard just looking at you!

“You know what,” he grabbed his bag from off the cot, “I’m just going to go sleep in the rental.”

No sooner had his fingers touched the door latch, she called after him, “Wait! Will… don’t do that.”

“Why not?” he hesitated.

“You’re right, okay? This is a business trip, and this is wildly inappropriate night attire for a business trip,” he heard her let out a long sigh, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have called you a pervert. Besides, I don’t care if you look. Truth be told, I kind of like the attention. That, and the sun has gone down, and it’s still well over 80 degrees outside. You’ll cook to death in the rental.”

Did she really just apologize? And admit that she liked the attention of me looking at her?

“You’re sure?” he asked before taking his hand off the door latch.

“I’m sure,” Haylie reassured him, “I’ll turn off the light so you’re not so distracted. Seriously though, I am not putting more clothes on. Hell, I’ll probably strip down naked once I’m under the covers. I don’t know what it is, I just HATE sleeping with clothes on. I normally travel on my own, so it’s not really been an issue until now. If it makes you feel better, you can sleep in your underwear too if you want. We’re both adults here, right?”

Will walked back into the main area of the room, tossing his bag onto the floor. Haylie made no attempt to conceal herself at all, aside from turning out the light, which did little to conceal her figure given the light coming off of the TV.

God dammit why does she have to be so fucking perfect…

Tentatively, he unbuttoned his pants, and dropped them on the floor next to the cot.

“Boxers, huh?” Haylie commented, “Not gonna lie, I had you pegged for a briefs kinda guy.”

Will suddenly felt very amused with being the one being started at. When he looked back Haylie had rolled over in the bed, her back to him. As he unbuttoned his shirt, he couldn’t help but admire the supple shape of her ass, and the subtle mound underneath her panties. Pulling the cot away from the wall, he laid down as the cot creaked under his weight.

Fucking hell, I forgot how uncomfortable these damned things were.

For several minutes Will tossed and turned, a creaky scream from the cot announcing his every movement.

Finally, Haylie had enough, “Oh my fucking God! Will! Stop making that noise!”

“I am trying!” he laid on his back, staring at the ceiling, “It’s like laying on plywood!”

“Then sleep on the floor or something!”

Seriously? I am too tired to deal with her bullshit right now.

“Fuck you,” Will sat up in the cot with a groan.

“Excuse me?” Haylie sat up in bed.

“You heard me,” Will returned her spiteful glare, “Fuck you and your shitty fucking attitude. I’ve had just about enough of it.”

“That’s fair,” Haylie tilted her head at him, “Considering I’ve had just about enough of your incompetence.”

“The only incompetence here is your ability to be decent to another fucking human being,” Will growled at her, “How does someone with such shit people skills make it to be one of the top marketing people in Charleston?”

“By working my ass off, day after day. My Dad didn’t cut me any breaks and I was damn near fired my first year. Not that you’d know anything about that.”

How fucking dare she. This bitch doesn’t know anything about me.

“You know what, I’m done. I am going to find a seedy motel or something to stay at and in the morning, I am taking a bus back to Charleston,” he stood up, putting his pants back on, “Have fun fucking up another contract.”

“FUCK YOU!” she yelled, throwing a pillow at him, “It’s ten o’clock at night! Have fun getting a motel, assuming you don’t get mugged first.”

Will grabbed his bag and stepped towards the door, before stopping at the end of the bed and turning to her, “I saw some of the most intense fighting in Fallujah. I saw shit that still haunts me to this day. I’ve lived in some of the shittiest conditions you’ve ever heard of, sleeping in some of the most awkward positions simply because I was so exhausted I couldn’t keep my eyes open anymore. Iraq sucked ass, and after getting out of the Army, I thought I would never have to suffer through that kind of shit ever again. I turn thirty next month and I thought all of that shit was behind me. Then I met you, and now Fallujia seems like a paradise by comparison. I’d never hit a woman in anger, but I know what I would like to do to fix your fucking attitude.”

“Oh? And what the fuck would that be?” Haylie said as she taunted him.

“Right now? Hold my hand around your throat as I fuck the attitude right out of you,” he admitted.

Haylie’s eyebrow went up.

“Fuck the attitude out of me? Please, you don’t have the balls,” she taunted him even more.

“I do have the balls, but I also have standards.”

“Oh, whatever!” she laughed, “What standards? You were practically fucking me with your eyes a few minutes ago!”

“Oh, you’re exactly my type. You’re smart, beautiful, and as far as I am concerned, your body is perfect,” he paused for a moment, cursing himself for even admitting it, “But I fucked a crazy bitch a long time ago, and I vowed to never do it again.”

“Fuck you, asshole!” Haylie launched herself off the bed and slapped him across the face.

She swung with the other hand, but Will caught her by the wrist.

“Let go of me!”

She swung with her free hand again, and he also caught her by the wrist. He held her hands above her head as he shoved her against the wall next to the bathroom door. Her shirt rode up above her breasts, revealing her perky breasts, as pink, hard nipples pressed into his chest through his shirt.

“Fuck…” Haylie said softly as she looked up into his eyes.

“I do have the balls, and I’m going to prove it by draining them into that undeserving cunt of yours!” Will declared with fury thick in his voice.

“I’m not on protection…” Haylie muttered softly.

“I DON’T FUCKING CARE!” he roared at her, “A spoiled little rich brat like you can afford Plan B. I’m going to hate fuck you and leave you to clean up the mess when I’m done with you, because that’s what you fucking deserve.”

He spun her, pressing her against the wall as he pinned her hands behind her back. With one tug, she felt her panties ripped off her hips. Reaching into his pants, he retrieved his cock through the hole in his boxers, guiding himself to her opening as the slick, silky kiss of her curtains teased the tip of his cock.

“You are soaked down there already!” Will growled into her ear, “I could be mistaken, but I think you are actually enjoying this!”

“Shut up…” Haylie wiggled her hips, easing her hips back, working him inside of her as she felt him stretch her insides apart, “And fuck me already…”

Releasing his cock as she eased the rest of his length into her, Will used the freed hand to pull her hair as his lips brushed against her earlobe as he spoke, “NO! You don’t get to talk to me like that anymore!”

Letting go of her hair, his hand grasped her throat, and he was rewarded with a sweet, soft moan from Haylie as he slowly eased himself in and out of her. They had barely just started, and already she was soaked enough that her juices were dripping down his cock, off of his balls, and down his thighs. Will closed his eyes, savoring the feeling of how tightly she hugged every inch of him. The wet sounds of lust and sex bounced off the walls as he started to slam into her. Haylie shamelessly moaned out as she bent over for him. Just as he was starting to find his stride and momentum, Haylie's hands started to tremble as she screamed out in ecstasy. He thought she was wet enough already, but with her orgasm, a new rush of her juices made her insides feel even better than they already did.

“How does it feel to orgasm on your intern’s dick while you're pinned up against the wall?”

“It feels amazing,” she said between breaths, “I want more!”

“If you’re a good girl and ask nicely, I’ll give you another one. Otherwise, I am going to use your mouth to finish me off,” he growled into her ear.

“Fuck…” she moaned out as her eyes rolled into the back of her head for a moment.

“Sorry? Didn’t hear that,” he taunted her.

“Please, Will!”

“Please, Will, what?” he pulled her hair again.

“Please, Will, can I have another orgasm? You dick feels so damn good!”

Will chuckled, “That’s a good girl, asking nicely for me to keep fucking you.”

He pulled out of her, turning her around, before picking her up and tossing her onto the bed as if she weighed nothing. Shoving her legs up, he slipped back inside of her, driving her hips into the mattress as she pulled on the comforter, desperately trying to conceal the scream of another orgasm as Will relentlessly fucked her hard, fast, and deep. In the heat of the moment, she pulled at his shirt, trying to get it over his head. An infomercial on the television illuminated his bare chest for the first time as she recognized a tattoo with a very familiar large, red number one.

“Stop, stop!” Haylie cried out as she pushed him away.

Will slipped out of her, stepping back, chest heaving as he tried to catch his breath. Haylie’s eyes dropped to his cock, and he immediately knew she was looking at the scar on his cock and thigh.

“I was the first through a door in Fallujah, and the first round fired at me ricocheted off the wall, through my thigh, and through my dick. The doctors said it had been the other way around, I would be a few inches shorter where it really mattered,” Will admitted, feeling self-conscious about his scar, “I know it’s not pretty to look at.”

“It’s you!” Haylie’s eyes went wide with excitement.

“Beg your pardon?”

“Friday, at Janice’s party! It’s you! I bid three thousand dollars on you, and you fucked me better than anyone ever has! You left me a cum filled mess and I spent all weekend wanting MORE!”

Haylie launched herself off the bed, wrapping her arms around his neck as she kissed him deeply and passionately.

“Will, I am sorry, about everything,” she squeezed his neck, “You’re right, I have been a bitch, and you’ve been nothing but tolerant and polite. I am so sorry. You didn’t deserve any of it, and I can never make it up to you, but I am damned sure gonna try.”

Will shook his head in disbelief, “You’re my Good Girl from Friday night?”

Haylie dropped to her knees, “Yes!”

“I’ll be damned,” Will blinked incredulously.

“Please, Will!” Haylie stood up, clinging to his neck, “Please, I am begging you, be mine! I want you all to myself!”

“Ten minutes ago, you were slapping me and hated my guts,” Will attempted to call her bluff, “And now you want me all to yourself? I call bullshit.”

“I guess it’s true what they say; Good dick does make a woman do crazy things,” she smiled at him, “And you’re the best dick I’ve ever had. No one has ever left me dripping on the floor with the taste of their cum still in my mouth and wanting more. I am serious, Will. I will do whatever you want me to do to prove it to you. Do you want me to suck you off right now? I will! I will swallow every last drop, just like the good girl you want me to be!”

“You’re serious? This isn’t just some kind of cruel joke? Just like flipping a switch, you go from hating my guts to being willing to do anything for me?”

“Please, Will, I am begging you,” she dropped to her knees again as she kissed the tip of his cock, “Don’t leave me. I’ve been waiting for you for a very long time.”

Haylie consumed his cock, sucking and stroking him in the most enthusiastic blowjob he had ever experienced.

“You really are serious, aren’t you?”

Haylie nodded as she sucked him, her eyes looking up at him looking innocent and sincere.

“Okay, fine,” he held her chin as he stood her up, “You will do anything to have me all to yourself?”

She smiled brightly, nodding her head up and down as she licked the remnants of her juices off her lips.

“First, I am going to need another kiss. Then, you’re going to prove to me that you’re sincere by climbing on top and not getting off until you’re drained every last drop out of my balls.”

Without warning, she jumped into his arms and squeezed his neck, kissing him as hard as she could manage, knocking him back onto the bed. She kept her lips on his as she guided him back inside of her. Only after his full length was inside of her did she break for air.

“Damn, I fucking love your dick,” she moaned as she started to ride him.

“Shiiiiit, Haylie,” Will moaned out as she arched her back, “Fuck that’s a good girl!”

“Good enough to have you all to myself?”

“I… fucking hell… Haylie…” Will found it hard to focus on talking as Haylie hugged his cock, hitting all the right spots and driving him wild, “Keep riding me like that and… fuuuuuck that feels amazing…”

“Is that a yes?”

“Slow down!” Will squeezed her thighs as he felt himself on the edge, “I’m going to… too soon! Too soon!... Haylie… Haylie! Slow dow-”

Too late.

Haylie gasped as Will pulled at her hips, driving himself as deep as he could get inside of her before releasing. Haylie shuddered and trembled on top of him as she screamed through another orgasm. To her credit, she didn’t stop riding him until he had completely spent himself inside of her. Even then, she reached back, kneading his balls as she slowly rode him, careful to keep him planted nice and deep.

“Does this mean I get you all to myself now?”

Will couldn’t help but laugh as he pulled her down for another kiss, “Yes, yes, you do. Come on, let us go take a shower and head to bed. It’s getting late.”

“NO!” Haylie objected as she pushed him back down on the bed, “Please? Can we stay like this for a little while?”

“Haylie, I just came as deep as I could inside of you,” he tilted his head at her, “Surely you want to go clean up and get all of that out of there.”

“No!” she protested, “I want to stay like this for a few more minutes. Your dick feels so good, and all that cum is so warm and deep inside of me. Please don’t make me get up. I want to savor this moment with you.”

Reaching up, he caressed her cheek with his thumb, hooking his fingers across the back of her neck as he pulled her down for a kiss, “I would like that very much.”

submitted by /u/NavyRigger
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