Sylvia was filled with excitement. She knew Varun would be waiting for her already at the airport. She had wanted to get there before he landed, but she had been delayed at work. All day she had been daydreaming about Varun and what she could do to make his return tonight something special. She hated it when he went away on business. Three days seemed an eternity when he was gone.
As she pulled in front of the terminal, she saw him standing with his back to her and talking to a young man in jeans and a sweatshirt. He was quite a contrast to Varun. Even though Varun was in jeans and a sweater, he still looked professional. The young man was very handsome. He looked to be in his mid-twenties, and he had jet-black hair that fell to his shoulders and a dark complexion. She would guess him to be of American Indian descent.
She honked, and Varun turned to greet her with a broad smile and a single white rose in his hand. He walked over to their white Durango, and pulling open the door, he handed her the flower.
“My Love, this beautiful rose pales before your beauty.” He said with a Shakespearian drama and placing his hand over his heart. Then he chuckled out loud and bent in on one knee to passionately kiss her hello. “My lord woman, I miss you so much when I am gone.”
“Ditto, my Love!” Sylvia sexily smiled back at him.
“Hey Sweetie, do you think we could let that young man over there spend the night in our spare bedroom? He flew back from New York with me, and he is stuck here overnight before he can get a flight out to Arizona. He seems to be a little short on funds and was going to just spend the night here at the terminal. He’s a great kid. Wha`dya think?”
“Sure, Varun. It’s OK with me. But he might not get much sleep with all the noise I plan for us to be making tonight.” Sylvia grinned and winked at him.
“I’m sure he won’t mind. It’ll beat the dickens out of cold snack bar hamburger and a chair for a bed.” He retorted as he closed the car door and turned around. She heard Varun whistle and saw him motion for the young man to come to him.
As he approached Varun, the man looked through the windshield and gave Sylvia a dazzling smile. His white teeth seemed to almost sparkle against the contrast of his dark skin and long black hair. Sylvia’s grren eyes caught his ice blue ones, and she shivered. He was gorgeous. He was a couple of inches taller than Varun, placing him at about 6′3″, and his muscular torso tapered down to accentuate a small waist and long jean clad legs. His face was slender with high cheekbones, and with his features and coloring, he was what Sylvia would call a classic Indian. Sylvia giggled as she pictured him riding bareback, his long black hair flowing in the wind, a red bandana headband, and wearing moccasins and a buckskin loincloth with a bear claw on rawhide swinging from his neck.
She was brought back to reality when the doors open. Varun slid into the tan leather front seat and their guest followed his rather worn duffle bag into the backseat.
“Thanks for the invite m’am. My name’s Andy McCabe.” He said with a western drawl as he extended his hand over the seat to Sylvia.
“Nice to meet you Andy. I’m Sylvia” She replied. But the moment her hand met his, they both jumped as static electricity shot between their fingers.
“Wow, m’am. Varun here told me you were an excitin’ woman, but that’s pretty electrifying there.” Andy threw his head back and enjoyed a hearty laugh. Varun and Sylvia looked at each other, and Varun gave the “who me?” look he always gave when Sylvia was getting ready to scold him. Then they joined Andy in laughter.
“OK Andy, there is one rule you’re gonna have to follow if you are to spend the night with us.” Sylvia instructed. “I am not m’am. My name is Sylvia, and although I appreciate the respect, M’am was my mother.”
“Yes M’a..Sylvia. Not a problem here.” Andy answered and snuggled into the plush leather of the seat.
The drive home was filled with chit chat, details about Varun’s trip, what had gone one at home while he was gone, just odds and ends. Meanwhile, Andy dozed in the back seat. Sylvia would glance into the rear view mirror occasionally and admire his handsome facial features, the strong high cheekbones, slender noble nose, thick lashes all made Sylvia a little lustful for this young man.
Varun noticed Sylvia looking at Andy. He leaned over the console and placed his left arm behind her. His right hand traveled up her creamy thigh and under her skirt. He kissed her earlobe and stuck his tongue in her ear as his fingers snaked their way under the delicate lace of her panties.
“Pretty, isn’t he Baby? Mmmm, bet you’d like to ride that wild stallion, yeah?” Varun whispered into her ear as he dipped his fingertips into her moist slit.
“Varun! Behave yourself!” Sylvia blushed at his words, but the warmth was more from the work his fingers were doing than his words. She pushed at his hand half-heartedly, pretending to push it away.
Varun’s finger slid down as Sylvia parted her legs and eased his access to her wet hole “Ah, that’s my woman; wet and waiting for me as always. He pumped his finger into her a couple of times and then removed it. He brought it to his mouth and noisily sucked it clean. Sylvia’s breath caught at the sight of him sucking her juices from his finger and she began to burn with desire.
Again, he leaned over to her ear and whispered, “You want him, Baby? I might be able to put in a good word for you.”
“Varun, really. Get a grip. I’m sure Andy would rather have some cute little hard body than someone twice his age.” Sylvia quipped.
“Oh Baby, I can’t see anyone ever turning you down for any reason. You are total woman at its finest. You’ve got great tits and a beautiful round ass, and you are gorgeous. Any man who looks at you gets an automatic hard on, except for the gay ones of course, but they’re just jealous. But if you want him Baby, you go ahead, providing you let me play too.”
Sylvia blushed again and shook her head. “You sir, are incorrigible! And I seriously can’t wait to get you into bed tonight. I’ve been thinking about fucking you all day.”
When they arrived home, Varun showed Andy to the spare bedroom so he could freshen up, and Varun made his way to the master suite and did the same. While they showered, Sylvia fixed a fresh salad to go with the Chicken Tetrazini she had already prepared. She broke open a bottle of Wild Turkey and mixed herself a pretty stout highball. She was a little anxious about Andy being there. It wasn’t that she minded really, but she knew with him being in the bedroom next to theirs, he would be hearing her moan and succumb to Varun’s masterful lovemaking later.
Varun came into the kitchen and helped carry dinner to the dining room table. He patted her lush behind and said, “Go get him Baby.” In the dining room, Varun mixed he and Andy a highball, and Sylvia a second. Sylvia felt a little lightheaded already. She had been too excited all day to eat anything, so the booze on an empty stomach was getting to her quickly.
During dinner, they continued to chat about the flight from New York and the airport. Sylvia felt something brush against her bare leg and gave a surprised look at Andy when she realized it was his leg. He looked up and smiled and moved it against hers once more. Andy had come to the table in shorts and a tight t-shirt, his long black hair tied loosely behind him. Sylvia had stared a little at the sight of his bronze muscular calves and thighs, and after he seated her in her chair, she watched his butt as he walked back to his chair. The sweat shorts were tight across his steel buns, and she had to admit, it made her mouth water and her pussy twitch. She cast a glance at Varun who was too busy talking to Andy to notice her surprised look.
Sylvia didn’t eat much, and finished before Varun and Andy. She excused herself, and Andy stood as she left the table. She blushed a little as he made believe he was tipping his hat. “M’am.I mean Sylvia, that was a fabulous meal. I haven’t had home cookin’ in almost six months. I don’t get home from college much, and all my friends and I live on burgers and the like. Thank you very much for havin’ me.”
“You’re certainly welcome Andy. Now you two go ahead and finish while I clean up the kitchen.” But before leaving the dining room, Sylvia fixed herself another highball. It wasn’t like her to drink more than two, but she needed it to calm her. Andy seemed really nice and was certainly interesting, but what she felt when she was around him was a little alarming. She had to admit she found it exciting to know he found her attractive enough to play footsies under the table. As a matter of fact, truth be told, it had made her a little wet. She didn’t hear Andy come through the kitchen door and up behind her at the sink. He startled her when he reached around from behind her to put his and Varun’s plates in the dishwater. Standing directly behind her, he placed his hands on the counter to each side of her.
“Can I give you a hand, Sylvia?” He asked, leaning his chest up against her back.
Surprised, she spun quickly around to face him, her wet hands dripping onto the floor. “Thanks Andy, but I.I’ve got it.” Sylvia stammered trying to decide how to handle the situation. His face was only a few inches away from hers. “Why don’t you keep Varun company while I finish up?” She made an effort to sound unaffected by his closeness.
“I don’t mind helping.with anything you need; anything at all.” He stated in a seductive husky voice. He moved his hands to brush her long auburn tresses back over her shoulders. “You really are a beautiful and exciting woman, Sylvia. I’m so very glad Varun invited me here.”
Sylvia didn’t know what to say to his advances. “Thank you Andy. I’m glad you’re here too. ” Was all she could think of saying at the moment. But inside, she was warm and tingly, she wanted to touch his bronze skin, and she wanted him this close to her or even closer, touching her. She decided she better back off from her inner desires and not let this scene progress. She gathered her composure, and partly to convince herself, she firmly announced, “I’ve really got things under control here. Now go join Varun, and I’ll be out in a jiff.”
“OK, gorgeous, if that’s what you really want.” Andy shrugged. As he walked through the kitchen doorway, Andy turned and leaned on the door facing. “By the way Sylvia, you were wrong.”
“Hmmm?” Sylvia cocked her head to the side, giving him a puzzled look. “You know, in the car earlier, when you said you were sure I’d rather have some cute little hard body than someone twice my age. I think you’re incredible, and I’d love to know you on a much much more intimate level.”
With that said, he turned and walked toward the den. Sylvia stood motionless for a moment letting his words massage her. Guess Andy hadn’t been asleep in the car after all, and he had heard everything her and Varun had said to each other. Whew, what a night this could turn out to be! Varun had given her permission to play, and Andy was willing. She picked up her watered-down highball and rubbed the cool wet glass across her forehead. What a night, indeed.
When Sylvia returned to the den with a fresh drink, Varun was sitting on the oversized sofa and Andy in the chair across from it. They both got a little quiet as Sylvia walked in and turned and smiled at her. She walked over, sat down next to Varun, and snuggled into his arm. Her skirt slid up some and exposed the tanned flesh of her shapely thighs. She crossed her legs and felt the heat of her secret folds rub seductively against one another. Varun stopped talking just long enough to welcome her with a warm and tender kiss. She tasted the bourbon on his tongue as she sucked it lightly. Andy watched them and licked his lips as he thought of how sweet it would be to taste her full lush mouth.
“Mmmm…” Sylvia moaned as she kissed him. Even the slightest contact with Varun always sent her senses reeling.Continue reading.....................................
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