When she knocked on the door I had just gotten out of the shower and was still dripping wet. I pulled on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt and ran to answer the door. I yanked the door open and was met with the sight of a woman probably around 27. She had a large friendly smile on her lips and in her hand she was holding what appeared to be fresh idlis.
I looked her up and down, and then I said, “Hello.”
She was dark haired, probably five foot five or six, with large breasts and what looked to be a very nice ass. She was wearing a nice yellow colored sleeveless salwar. I figured that she was probably pleasantly plump, although if she was not fat, she was in no way slim. “Very nice!” I thought to myself.
She said, “Hello. My name is Haasini and I figured that I would welcome you to the neighborhood.” And she thrust the plate at me.
I took the plate from her hands and said, “Thanks, I’m Varun.” Not knowing exactly what to do I just stand there like a wooden pillar for a moment before asking, “You want to come in?”
She said, “Sure, but just for a minute.” She brushed past me into the house and walked briskly into the dinning room where she sat down in one of the chairs.
I followed her into the dining room, and deposited the plate on the table. I stood there awkwardly for a minute or more taking in her appearance. It wasn’t every day that I was yanked out of the shower by an attractive woman.
Haasini’s black hair was pulled back tight and held together with a hair band. Her face was girlishly round with large soft eyes, a pug nose covered with slight traces of sweat and pouting lips that were covered with dull cherry colored lipstick. As I looked at her a small smile formed on her lips, her whole face seemed to light up and she said conversationally, “Nice place you have here.”
The sound of her voice startled me from my reverie. I felt somewhat embarrassed at being caught staring. I quickly looked away from her and replied lowly, “Thanks.” Then trying to be a good host I asked, “Would you like something to drink?”
She responded, “Sure, what do you have?”
I told her that I had some coffee but it was cold and I would have to heat it up. Or I had some beer in the fridge. She responded with an innocent smile and a chuckle and said she preferred coke. I got up and walked to the kitchen.
I poured the beer into two glasses and carried the drinks into the dining room and handed one to Haasini. She took a sip, smiled slightly and said, “Whew, that’s really chilled?” I stammered in reply, “I can open a warm bottle and pour in some more beer to make it right for you.”
She giggled softly and then responded, “No, that’s alright. I’ll just sip it slow.” She took a long sip from the drink, sat the cup down and said, “Now sit down and tell me about yourself. Do you always answer the door dripping water on the floor and with your pants unzipped?”
“No,” I responded embarrassed and reached down to zip up my pants.
“That’s alright.” She said, “I’ve seen dicks before. I’ve got a couple of kids”
Slightly flustered by the turn of the conversation I responded with, “Yeah its nice to know that you have two children, I have a girl friend.”
Haasini said, “Yeah and where’s your girl friend”
“Well I just moved in here. My girlfriend is in Bangalore” I said.
“You going to be lonely man” She giggled lightly, took another healthy slug of Beer and launched into a diatribe on what it was to be lonely married to a man who used to travel constantly and looking after the kids alone, before segueing into the trials and tribulations of being a wife. She must have been starved for conversation because the only time she stopped talking was when she paused occasionally to take a drink from her glass.
I didn’t really think that she looked that fat. She may have had just a slight pooch to her stomach, but that wasn’t even noticeable if you weren’t looking for it. All in all she was a very delectable dish with soft sweet skin and boobs that could raise the desire of even the most jaded of observers. My eyes traveled over her body taking in the obvious wonders of her physique finally coming to rest on her cute face. Looking into her eyes I could sense a mischievous twinkle and then a small wink. The wink somehow embarrassed me and I looked away, looking down at the half empty drink in my hand. I tried desperately to keep my attention on my cup and folded hands. I never quite succeeded though as my attention was continually recaptured by the vivacity of her conversation and the arm movements she habitually used .
Haasini did most of the talking, which seemed to be something that she was very comfortable doing. For my part I was quite comfortable sitting there quietly watching her animated conversation. Taking in the way her arms moved when she made a point and the way her jugs jiggled when she swung her arms. My only contribution to the conversation other than ogling her was responding with a “Yeah” or “sure” when it seemed appropriate. The rest of the time I was content to gaze spellbound at her big tits and wonder what they must feel like.
The time was either passing very quickly or Haasini was sipping her drink very fast because it wasn’t too long before she waved her hand across my field of vision and asked, “Hey there, yoo-hoo, can I have another drink?”
“Huh? Yeah sure, whatever you want. I’ll get you one right now.” I responded and rose from my seat. I walked around the table and when I leaned over to pick up Haasini’s as she leaned toward me slightly and I got a good view down her salwar. It had a nice deep V cut and it exposed a few inches of her cleavage to my wandering gaze.
“Just make me another.” She said, smiling at me disarmingly.
Yeah, no problem. Mumbai is really hot” I replied as I tore my eyes away from her heaving mounds.
In the kitchen I pulled out of the beer and filled her glass with beer. I began to daydream of the lovely velvet skin of her tits, but I was quickly brought out of my reverie by the sound of a voice directly behind me. “How old are you?” the voice inquired.
Startled, I turned to find Haasini standing close behind me. “Thirty” I replied before continuing, “Why do you ask? How old are you?”
“Just curious. I’m thirty three.” She said, and then continued with, “I hope you don’t mind if I stand for a while. I want to slim down” She patted her stomach and then continued, “But anything is uncomfortable these hot days sitting, standing, laying down, its so hot.”
I handed her the fresh drink and she took a sip from her it before continuing, “my dress has seen its better days and I just got it a couple of weeks ago. Right now I feel like it is cutting off the blood to my brain.” She chuckled and took another long drink.
“You’re not fat.” I said.
“Sure I am.” She said before continuing, “Just look.” She sat her drink down on the kitchen table, turned toward me leaning towards me exposing some of her very impressive jugs. “See?” She asked. “See how the bra cuts into my breasts. It gets really uncomfortable after a few hours of wearing that thing. It’s like a torture machine.” Seeing her standing there with her big boobs peeping out of her Salwar gave me a hard on.
Not knowing what to say, I responded with, “Well why don’t you just loosen it up? Or just take it off?”
“No can’t do it. My tits would sag too much.” She replied with a wink before retrieving her drink and taking a healthy pull.
“I don’t think that they’d sag that much.” I responded. I reached my hand out and appreciatively weighed her exposed boob in my palms before continuing, “Yep, they feel pretty firm to me.”
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