The Request
Have you ever had a threesome? Like two girls and a guy. Well neither have I, but my husband has been begging for one. I just don't know if I could bring myself to do it. Really another woman touching me is not my thing. I mean what woman really enjoys having another woman touching her and watching her touch her husband. Just not my cup of tea. Or at least so I thought.
This is what my husband talks about is he knows I would enjoy myself. I just need to loosen up a little he says. I have been putting him off for so long that he is willing to do anything I want if I will allow this one thing for him. Don't you want to make my one dream come true he says. Well I want a vacation of a life time, so I guess it wouldn't hurt to do a little research on threesomes.
So I told my husband I would take it into consideration what he wanted. He was as excited, just like a kid on Christmas morning. I couldn't believe he was as happy as he was as just the mere fact that I said I would consider it. So research it is. So here are some key rules I have come up with right out of the box.
One: Do not have a threesome with a friend. I mean really, how do you ask your best friend to fuck your husband and oh yea he wants to watch us get it on. Nope not happing! First off my friends would think I was crazy for asking and worse for even thinking about doing it. Maybe I am crazy?
Two: Before getting into the bedroom, make sure everyone is in agreement. Oh I know what he will agree to. Everything!
Three: Make sure you are both attracted to the third person and remember do not do it with a friend. Really? Thought that was a given, but how am I suppose to be attracted to another female.
Four: It's important to make sure everyone is comfortable with each other. Oh yea, like i'm really comfortable with another woman touching me. NOT!
Five: Share and share alike. This is my down fall. How am I suppose to share my husband? And more importantly why does he want to share me?
Six: Set ground rules if you are nervous. Specify what you will do, might be willing to do, and defiantly will not do. Will not, will not, will not!
Seven: You can always say no at anytime if you change your mind. Is it too soon to change my mind?
Eight: When the time comes, do not do it at your house. Use a hotel to keep it separate from your home life. I mean really, who would bring a total stranger into their house. Not happening folks.
So there are different ways for one to meet other crazy people in my opinion looking for a threesome. You can try to pick someone up in a bar, but it's never good when you pick someone up at a bar for any reason so we will just have to nix that right from the start. Who knew that there are tons of websites out there were people are looking to have a threesome. Better yet, there are actually app's for it. Really, what the hell is wrong with these people?
One: How are we going to decide on who this crazy person is going to be?
Two: Where and when are we going to do this?
Three: What our concerns were? And there are many many concerns you mean.
Four: What you actually are looking to actually happen? Is he really looking for a way to sleep with someone else?
So I guess it was time I to have another talk with my dear old hubby of what I have come up with and to find out what he is really expecting, and more importantly what my concerns are.
So over a nice dinner, I proceed to tell my husband what I found out about having a threesome. He was happy that I had even thought enough to look into how one goes about having a threesome. He said that he had pretty much found the same things out as well. Great, just what I needed him doing his own research. So what are you really looking to get out of a threesome other then you getting permission to fuck another woman which is the only reason I could think one would want to do this.
He said that he was not looking for away to fuck someone else. He wanted to spice up our marriage. Get out of our comfort zone. Not that i'm buying it or anything, but I do have to give him the benefit of the doubt on why he wanted this. Spicing up the marriage would not be a bad thing.
He said the mere excitement it would give him to watch another woman pleasure me. He said he has heard that woman enjoy other woman going down on them because they know what actually feels good. Ok, makes since, but still don't know if I could let another woman touch me and I sure in the hell could not go down on another woman.
To Be Contuned......
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