This one went a little bit back when I was around 24ish. Essentially me and a few friends were swimming in a condo pool of one of my friends parents condos. Simple time and just us having fun. We spent about 2 hours there(honestly that's a lot ) and found it was time to go. We had some drinks during it but this one girl decided to prank me by accidentally dropping my phone in the water. Well it turns out that drinking doesn't make you as coordinated as you can be so she literally soaked my phone. I was actually really annoyed and got out of the pool and tried to dry it off with my towel. Once I realized it wasn't gonna be revived, I got mad at her. She was sorry and really apologetic but I was too angry to listen. As well all decided to head to the showers, I stayed at the poolside trying to save my phone. I was stubborn in thinking it would work. So I gave up and went into one of the male showers that had a door that closed. However, Vanessa(the girl who dropped my phone) was there at the entrance and said sorry. I brushed her off while she followed me and she was kinda drunk at this moment too.
I wanted to destress and be alone and she stepped into the shower with me. The door swung closed and I didn't care what she had to say and turned on the water. I don't know how but for some reason this sequence of events made me turned on by her because she approached me and hugged me. Somehow it started getting me hard and I realized maybe this ain't all too bad. I hugged her back and she easily felt what I was thinking. So her drunk self decided to offer a blowjob to help out and I reluctantly agreed. Much to my stubborn reluctance, she pulled my shorts down and let my cock bounce and slap her lips. It only turned me on more. Outside you can hear the other guy friends talking and I'm here supposed to be silent. She started sucking me off and it was messy but it still felt great. I take a while to cum from blowjobs but a solid ten minutes of her sucking down my cock nearly made me forget the phone incident. When I was about to cum, she let me choose anywhere so I asked on her face. I finally finished and she kissed me. She left the shower and I cleaned up and when we returned to our group, no one knew what happened. Honestly a decent turnaround from losing my phone.
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