Closing shift [MMF] [NonCon][BDSM][Fantasy]

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Alice was alone in the store. The last stocker had left and she was wrapping up the last few closing checklist items. Aside from her own there were only a few sparse cars in the lot, most parked there for the late-night Mexican place around the corner. A lone car idled in the far corner.

She wondered if it was tweakers again. But figured better than calling the cops. It would just make getting out of here take longer. She returned to the office with the last few cash bags.

The rattle of the aging sliding doors opening in the front made her jump. She could have sworn she had locked them shut. Alice’s heart beat heavy in her chest. She grabbed her phone and walked out. “We're closed.” She shouted over the aisles. Two pairs of heavy footsteps stopped. “Get the fuck out of here or I am calling the cops.” Her voice was shriller than she would have liked. The footsteps started moving again. This time away from each other. And getting faster. Alice dialed 911. Before the call connected one of them got to her. A man in dark clothes and a mask. He moved fast. He hit the phone out of her hand and wrapped her in a bear hug.

Alice bit and kicked and thrashed in his arms. She was nearly 5’9” but didn't weigh more than 125 and though her work boots were connecting with the shins of the man who held her, he wasn't showing that it mattered. They wrestled around, knocking over a drink display and hitting bags of chips off the shelves. His grip tightened, squeezing her arms painfully into her sides, and crushing her ribs.

"Hold still you little bitch."

She screamed and tried headbutting his face with the back of her head. Alice felt the floor go out from under her then come crashing back as the man slammed her to the ground. The breath was forced out of her lungs and her eyes swam, unable to focus.

"Grab something to hold her" The man shouted to his partner. "Duct tape or cord or anything they gotta have it."

Alice heard crashing as the other man rummaged the aisles. Her breath came back to her and she tried pushing to her feet. A foot came down heavy on her back, pushing her down onto her stomach. Bleach smell seeped into her nostrils from the fresh mopped floors. Alice’s head was wrenched back by her ponytail. "If you can manage to calm down. Just be nice, and collaborative with us. This will all go down really easy. No need to make any more fuss than you already have. No need for anyone to get hurt. Alright?" The man's voice was low and that of a smoker.

She heard his partner approach from behind. "I got zipties, they're a little short but it should do."

"Start with her legs"

Rough hands pushed Alice's jeans up and attached a zip tie to each ankle and one between holding them tight. When he went for her wrist she thrashed again and scratched at them. She screamed no. They worked together kneeling on her back and managed to get her secured.

"Finally. You really don't wanna make this simple do you?" The one who held her down said, "Let's get her in the back."

They dragged Alice into the office and pushed her into a chair. It slammed back against the wall, pinching her shoulders together. They stood before her and she got her first real look at them under the dirty flourcents.

Both had their faces covered with masks. Their heights were similar but where the man who'd grabbed her seemed wiry, his partner filled out his clothes with considerable bulk.

"Check. Make sure the doors are locked and turn out the lights. You got the keys on you?" He asked Alice. She nodded her head.

"Good girl." The partner searched her. Taking her wallet and keys. She felt his hands lingering. He squeezed her thighs and stroked her crotch as he went through her pockets. She screamed at him and bucked in the chair, unable to do more than bounce and skip a few inches.

"Take it easy honey," he bared his teeth at her "It's not going to help any."

"Get going, we don't need anyone noticing the mess."

The other man was behind her. Loading cash bags into another he unfolded.

"We really just need one thing from you. Get us into the safe and we will just leave. You can go home. No more issues."

"I don't know the code. I can't get into the safe."

He sighed. He put all but one of the bags into his own and threw it by the door. He got up close, grabbed her hair and shook a bag in her face. “What do you do with these then huh, just leave them out?"

"No. There's a slot I push them through. I can't get into it."

"I don't think I believe you"

The partner came back. Bag clinking. "I grabbed all the high shelf stuff. Gotta be worth something."

"She says she can't get into the safe."

"Bullshit. She just likes giving us a hard time."

"I think so too." The thinner man said releasing her

"We can't go back with a few drawers of cash and some vodka."

"We could take her car?"

The partner looked at the keys he'd taken from her pockets. Not worth more than the liquor.

"Just get us in the safe honey. You got nothing to lose." The partner said, stroking her face. Alice bit at him again and squirmed "Don't fucking touch me."

"We told you it would be easier if you just worked with us. You don't get to tell us what to do." The thinner man said, then turned to his partner, "Grab some dish towels. I found tape. Oh and while you're looking." He said, grabbing Alice’s ponytail. "Maybe some condoms."

Alice howled and tried to spring up out of the chair. Her long, straight, sandy blonde hair came loose and he tangled his hand in it. He had her around the waist and carried her to the desk. Alice was forced onto her back, her arms pinned painfully beneath her. Objects from the cluttered desk jabbing into her back.

"Last chance bitch. The safe or we take what we can get from you."

Her mind raced, Alice didn't know anything about the safe. She'd only been closing for a week or so. She screamed at the top of her lungs and tried to escape his grip. He put one hand on her throat and pushed her head over the edge of the desk while pinning her legs in front of her with his knee. Her back arched up. There was a loud click. She felt something cold against her chin and froze. She could only get a little air to her lungs, and she felt dizzy.

"That's a little better." The thief in charge waved the knife in her vision. He cleared her hair out of her face with an outstretched pinky. His other hand let up on her neck a little and she breathed heavy. The partner came back.

"She squeal at all?"

"Not the way you mean. Last chance to tell us how to get into the safe? No. Alright. Come help me hold her"

The partner pushed on her shoulder. She squirmed slightly "Please no. That's all the cash. I swear I'd tell you. Don't do this please." The knife snapped effortlessly through the front of her white button up work shirt. "I love a girl with freckles." The leader said.

"Fuck freckles. Look what she's been hiding." Alice's boobs were big on her small frame, she hid them at work with shapeless clothes to avoid harassment. The knife finished on her shirt and they yanked it behind her down to a tangle with the zip ties at her wrists. "Hold still now, this things sharp." The knife slid under where the cups in her bra met and yanked up.

"God damn that's some fine tits." He cut her bra all the way off and threw it aside. Freckles dipped down where the sun would hit her upper chest, her breasts were pale. Her nipples were small and inverted. They groped at her squeezing and kneading with rough hands.

"Stop. Just stop."

"I don't think so," the leader said.

As though they both had the same idea at once they both took a tit in their mouths. The partner on one sucking licking kissing and pulling with his lips. The leader was rougher. Biting her and squeezing with his free hand.

Tears streamed down Alice's face. Their combined weight made struggling futile. Her head hung off the edge of the narrow desk while they amused themselves with her body. She felt her nipples rising to the sensation. Heat flushed her body coloring her white skin pink. One hand, she couldn't tell whose, started stroking her crotch and working on her pants. She felt slobber running down her neck. "Get off me" she screamed and howled. "Shove a towel in there." The leader said, pulling his mouth off of her. When she felt the partner's weight leave she thrashed anew. "Shit, you're not trying to get your dick sucked?"

"Look at the bitch. She's dumb enough to bite. Besides, she's got thin lips anyhow."

A wadded up dish towel was jammed into her mouth. Tape held it in place. The man on top resumed pawing and sucking on her nipples while the other made sure she wouldn't be able to get loud again.

"Look how perky your nipples get. They just needed a little attention to come out." She winced as he bit her and groaned into her gag.

"Here you take over. Get started if you want. I have an idea."

The heavier man took her over as well as the knife. He cut away her jeans and panties and licked her body. Always circling back to her chest. All she had left on were her sneakers and the zip ties holding her. She heard him work his own pants off and was wracked with sobs swallowed by the rag in her mouth.

"Careful now or I'll cut ya."

With a snap her ankles were freed. She motored her legs and tried to kick him away. He drove his elbows into her inner thighs. Pain shot through them and he settled between her legs.

" I love me a long legged woman." He said. "Least you could have done was shave for us." He pocketed the knife and leaned a forearm across her neck and shoulder. Alice could only see upside down away from what he was doing. She heard him spit. She shook her head for no one and felt tears up her forehead.

His fingers pushed her lips aside. "You got a sweet skinny girl pussy." He said and shoved two fingers into her. Alice was dry and it felt like he was scraping her. A few more globs of spit and his fingers working made her vagina clamp and spasm. He sunk his teeth into her neck and shoulder.

"See you just had to cooperate. I knew you'd like it."

His fingers came out, lingering to make a few circles of her asshole. He lifted off her slightly. She heard a tear and felt the condom wrapper fall on her chest. He worked his cock back and forth across the entrance to her. She trembled and tried to go away. His first forceful thrust brought her painfully to reality. Alice screamed into the towel again feeling her throat going hoarse.

He grunted with joy and went back to sucking her tits. It felt like his thick cock was tearing her. With her boyfriend the sex wasn't ever very rough. She heard the office door open.

"Shit I heard when you started even with the rag in. Lean up I'm gonna use her tits."

He came around the desk and leaned down to look where she was bouncing from his partner's thrusts. He grinned a foul smile. "I told you to cooperate. We weren't planning a rape, honey.” He got up and stood over her head. She bounced against his knees on hard thrusts. The thinner man opened a bottle of lubricant and smeared it between her breasts. His hands pushed her boobs together and his cock slid between them. They laughed between themselves. Saying things she couldn't hear. The tears had stopped coming and her eyes burned red which was nothing to the pain between her legs. She was a ragdoll that they violated quietly, the desk she was on skidded and slipped across the floor with their rhythms. The man in her vagina erratic and forceful, the other slow and methodical stroking himself with her tits.

The energy of her first rapist rose, his hips bashing into her and tilting the desk she was on, and with a final rough thrust abated. Alice had enough presence to feel lucky he had worn a condom.

He pulled and slapped her thigh. She didn't give any reaction.

"You wanna finish up in here, I'll see if I can dig up anything else."

The thinner man came around her and pulled her further onto the desk. He pulled the tape from her face and took out the rag. Alice took deep breaths and sobbed.

"Finally some alone time".

He spun her around and forced her back down bent over the desk. He used her hair to force her head down. "I think I'll enjoy you as you are."

He fucked her raw. The lube from when he'd fucked her tits was the only mercy. He took a finger and pushed it up her ass. Alice squealed and begged him to stop. He didn't last much longer. She felt hot cum burning on her ravaged insides. The amount felt like it never stopped coming. He got off and left Alice there, sticky with lube, cum, and sweat. Plastered in junk from the desk. Her hair was a disheveled mess around her head and her legs were too wobbly to get under her. She slid into the floor and sat. Cum dripping out of her and pooling between her legs. Her body was covered in bite marks and bruises from their hands.

The door slammed open to the office.

"Get up bitch. Turns out the best thing to take with us is you..."

submitted by /u/hedonsgardener
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