Confessions of a West Palm Slut - The Rising (Chapter 17)

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I woke up earlier than I would have after a night of work. I was anxious and antsy and restless. After laying in bed for a bit, I decided I needed to get active and release some energy. I threw on some running shorts and a sports bra and took an early afternoon jog around the neighborhood. The weather was beautiful as it typically is in West Palm. It was hot enough to make me sweat but not hot enough to sap all of my energy. In fact the run seemed to energize me.

I ran past Jay and Debbie's house and waved to Jay as he sat outside by himself, Debbie likely still sleeping from working a long shift the night before. I reminded myself to tell Jay the whole story soon. It wasn't fair to him. Yes, it would likely implode the second best friendship I had down here, but he needed to know what his wife was up to. All of it.

I arrived home and climbed in my car. I wanted to get some lunch to hold me over until my dinner date later that night. I turned the key. Nothing. I pulled the key out and tried again. Still nothing. My car could not be broken. Not today!

I scrolled through my head, thinking of someone who could help me. I called Jay.

"Jay, I am having car trouble. Can you come help me?"

"Sorry Kelly. I have work in an hour. Call Pat. He's good with cars."

Jay hung up and I was back at square one. I couldn't call Pat to fix my car when I had a date less than five hours from now.

I called Clint. No answer.

I called Jimmy, Kevin. No answer.

I was out of luck.

Finally, I called Courtney.

"Court. My car won't work. I don't think I can go tonight."

"Ugg. Seriously Kelly? You are such a mess!"

"It's not my fault!"

"Let me call Brandon. Maybe I can convince him to pick you up and bring you to dinner. It's the gentlemanly thing to do anyway."

If my nerves were frayed before, now they were in hyperdrive. I grabbed a bottle of tequila and took a shot to calm down. When that didn't work, I took another. I had a few hours and the buzz would wear off before dinner.

I took the bottle of tequila upstairs to keep me company while I planned out my night. I sorted through my closet, looking for something cute enough for the weather and casual enough for an outside sushi dinner. I settled on an orange sundress. It was simple and flowing. I bought it because of the way it showed off my breasts, particularly my cleavage. While the sundress covered my side boob, the neck dropped down exposing A LOT of tit and ALL the cleavage. If Brandon was as hot as Courtney said he was, that may come in handy. I chose some sandals, a strapless bra, and a black thong. I then undressed, took another shot, and climbed in bed.

I was awoken by the ringing of my telephone. I had fallen asleep!

"Hello?" I answered.

"Kelly! I've been calling you. Brandon is picking you up at five o'clock! Be ready."

I looked at my phone. It was already four thirty. Fuck!

"Shit, I'll be ready. Sorry."

I hung up the phone, the race against the clock had begun. I saved a few minutes by cutting short my shower, drying my hair with a towel, and then blow drying it immediately after. I typically preferred to let my hair air dry for a while after showering but today's timeframe did not allow for that. I got dressed and applied some make up hastily, unhappy with its improvement of my face. As I was touching up my lipstick, the doorbell rang.

I opened the door to a pleasant surprise. Brandon was indeed handsome. I had pictured him taller than the five feet nine inches he stood, but his tan skin aptly highlighted his muscles, as did his pastel blue polo. His chest was stout and his waist was thin. His decently muscled legs were exposed by short khaki shorts. His brown hair was close cropped on the sides and bushy up top. Brandon's eyes were temporarily hidden by his sunglasses but once inside, the sunglasses moved atop his head and revealed beautiful brown eyes. My nerves instantly returned.

"I'm Brandon. You must be Kelly."

"Yes. Nice to meet you Brandon."

"You ready?"

"Actually, no. Would you mind giving me about 10-15 more minutes? There's some beer in the fridge."

"Any tequila?" Brandon asked?

"No," I lied, embarrased to reveal that the bottle of tequila was upstairs in my bedroom.

"I was kidding anyway," Brandon snickered.

I nervously searched my purse for my lip gloss which was apparently playing hide and seek with me.

"Are Courtney and Trevor meeting us there?" I asked.

"I don't know. Trevor just told me you were having car trouble and I would have to pick you up. I am."

I was embarrassed. I had a tequila bottle upstairs on my bed. I had a broken down car and I wasn't ready yet because I fell asleep. Courtney was right. I was a mess. I started to cry.

"Everything okay?" Brandon asked, obviously hearing the sniffle I attempted to hide.

"Yes," I laughed, looking up at him with teary eyes. "I'm just a mess. I'm not ready. I'm all over the place. I'm nervous as hell."

His hand touched my shoulder with a tenderness that felt assuring.

"Why don't you go upstairs and finish getting ready. I'll take a look at your car to keep myself occupied. Who knows, maybe I can even fix it."

"Thank you," I said quietly.

"So where are your tools?"


"Yeah. Like screwdrivers and socket wrenches."

"I don't know what a socket wrench is," I answered, my nerves heightening yet again due to my ineptitude.

“Do you know what a screwdriver is?"

"Yeah. Vodka and OJ!" I said, making myself laugh so hard that I snorted.

A glance at Brandon showed no such laughter on his end - which brought my laughter to an end and my self-consciousness to the surface.

"If we have a screwdriver, it would be in the garage," I told Brandon, as I walked him there.

Courtney's car was in the garage facing some cabinets. I began to franticly open the cabinet doors, looking for a screwdriver. Then a hand touched my shoulder.

"Calm down. Everything is okay. You seem incredibly nervous," Brandon said staring into my eyes.

"I am nervous. I can't help it."

"You know what I do when I'm on a date and get nervous?"

"No. What?"



"Yes. Get that first kiss out of the way and the nerves vanish."

He leaned in and kissed me. His lips pressing with just the right pressure. His right hand resting on my cheek. His mouth opening ever so slowly, allowing his tongue to slide into my mouth and dance with mine. My hand instinctively reached down and grabbed his dick over the fabric of his shorts.

"Whoa, tiger!" Brandon pulled back.

I grabbed his head and pulled it back to mine, ensuring our mouths reengaged. I could feel his dick quickly growing inside his shorts. I also felt his hand reach up and grab my left tit, before diving in and releasing it from the containment of my bra and sundress neckline. What had been a soft tangling of tongues had turned into a sloppy, slobbering make out session.

Without warning, Brandon pulled his lips off mine, grabbed my shoulders, and spun me around. A slight push of his hand on my back caused my hands to reach out and stabilize myself against Courtney's car. My head was spinning. This was all happening so fast. His hands moved like an expert, quickly lifting the back of my dress and exposing my ass. I heard the zipper of his pants, followed by their thud on the garage floor. In a matter of seconds he had removed his pants, lifted my dress, and pulled my thong to the side. This was fast moving, even for me.

There was no time to object even if I wanted to. My wetness made entry all too easy. My mind raced to figure out how he was already inside of me. And inside of me he was, again and again. He filled me perfectly. His hard fast thrusts accentuated by the slap of his pelvis against my ass. This was not love making. This was pure, animalistic fucking. I was in heat unable to resist the mounting of my overpowering partner. My neck and back extended, working to contain their arousal and brace for the repeated impact. My moans increased as did his breathing. He had great stamina or he did in my mind, as I had lost all concept of time at this point.

Then the garage door swung open.

"Kelly! What. The. Fuck?!"

It was Courtney.

I could tell Brandon was close because he didn't stop. Instead his hands gripped my hips harder and matching the intensity of his thrusts.

"Fuck!" I exclaimed.

"Ahhhh," Brandon groaned, a sign he had finished.

"I'll be right back. I've gotta deal with Courtney now."

I ran inside and to Courtney's room.

"Courtney, I can explain."

"Kelly. He couldn't have been here for more than thirty minutes!"

"He wasn't. Things just...happened."

"I set you up with a good looking, decent, normal, dateable guy and within fifteen to twenty minutes he's already fucking you. Kelly! That is NOT normal. It doesn't just happen!"

"I didn't say it was normal! It started with a kiss and then just accelerated out of control from there."

"So he kissed you and next thing knew, within five minutes his dick was inside you?"

"Yeah. I mean you make it sound so odd when you explain it like that."

"But that's what happened, right Kelly? He came over. Within five minutes you were kissing. Within ten you were fucking?!"

"I guess."


There was a knock at Courtney's bedroom door. It was Trevor.

"Brandon was embarrassed. He went home. Looks like it's just us two tonight."

"Way to go Kel," Courtney said disgustedly.

"I've had some wild times," Courtney whispered. "I've had my fun. I've worked in the service industry. I've seen my share of girls letting loose. But you. You take the cake. You are the easiest girl I have ever encountered in West Palm. The throne is yours. The one true slut of West Palm."

submitted by /u/Late2TheWritersTable
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